The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have. We are the stage
and all the players.
… how difficult it is to accept that we are all capable of terrible things, and how cleansing it is to realize that true kindness breathes just beneath this acceptance.
This comes back down to being human… with human weaknesses and human frailties. I spoke a little bit on this in the entry I wrote yesterday… and honestly, I try very hard not to fall into this trap of transference, to rise above this particular human weakness - and I confess, not very successfully, especially when the Sekhem is so annoying with his constant yowling for attention. It's too easy to take things out on him. I do try not to though.
It's frustration that gets me the most… and I'm far too easily frustrated, even to my own mind. It's not that I have things set in stone about how they're going to go, just that a lot of the time, what I've planned doesn’t' come out right, and then it's back to 'kicking the cat' again. The other alternative is to beat myself up - which I often do, and do repeatedly when I start. I don't want to do that.
I don't want to be back at square one again.