The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have. The Love we show saves the Love we hide, the way a sprig in sun feeds its unseen root.
We become so preoccupied with what we are not able to address, what we are not able to mend, what we are not able to leave behind, that we forget that whatever we are in the light of day is slowly, but surely, healing the rest of us….
I had a woman talk to me today, at the bus stop on the way home. She was one of those people that many people look at and would try to keep the hell away from, and I might have… but something stopped me.
She talked about a man that was coming across the street, on crutches, and called him a pervert - and said how he would come over to you and talk about how big your arse had got, or that you had nice tits, (her words, not mine). She was trying to avoid him, I thought, but then when he reached the bus stop, she turned and talked to him. I figured she had just wanted to vent, and settled into minding my own business again.
Then I sat on the bus, waiting to pull out, she suddenly got up from where she was sitting, came to my side and asked if she could sit beside me. She was avoiding him, and continued to talk all the way up the London Road, about the past, why… all in the past, all nothing she could affect now, nothing she could do about it.
And that was like the 'meaningful moment' in the whole experience - that realising that, for another person, seeing the same kind of holding on to baggage in myself, though my listening to this woman sitting beside me on the bus - total stranger - just… kind of put a lot of things into perspective for me…
…I'm starting to feel a little bit like a snowball.