time capsule 2011

Dec 07, 2011 14:59

year 2011

♡ make yourself a thread so your friends can leave you messages with their thoughts about you, their wishes for you for next year, etcetera.
♡ you can also leave yourself a message... anything that you can look back on next year and reminisce about ( Read more... )

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ashe December 7 2011, 21:31:02 UTC
I'm afraid to ask ... but where are you for medical school now? I hope you're surviving all right, I know it'll be a crazy transition after a year of not doing anything. Anatomy grossing you out (HA HA HA SEE WHAT I DID THERE)? Still sure that this is what you wanna do with your life? More than ever, I hope. To some degree. How is it not living at home or close to home? I hope that you've learned to cook some more in 2012 and actually ended up feeding your roommates decently.

Did you finish any sites? I'm working on Yuki right now and I suspect I may actually finish it. What did you cosplay for Sakuracon? Did KH3D come out? Did you play FFXIII-2? Any news on Versus XIII? Type-0? FFX for the Vita? Do you still even have any time to play video games anymore? I hope you do still have some free time.

And now for real people things lol. Make any church friends? How's P doing? (Still with F?) And I'm probably most curious to know how things went after living with D and J. Right now neither of them does cooking and you are still pathetically unhandy around the house. And what's the situation, more specifically, with D? Did you ever talk it out in the end? Because I really hope you do and get it all out. Also ... ARE YOU STILL SINGLE? Jeebus gurl. How was your 21st birthday? Did you see anyone from home? Do anything fun?

Man, I don't know what to say. Hopefully your life in 2012 will be better than 2011 ... although I don't know if that's possible, seeing the dark abyss of medicine before me. LOL. Keep your chin up! I hope that 2012 will be a year of great personal growth for you ... so I hope it really was. Maybe you learned to be less of a noob. MAYBE YOU LOST WEIGHT! (Please do.) Heh ... well, this song is playing right now so GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S US AGAINST THE WORLD. :)


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