time capsule 2011

Dec 07, 2011 14:59

year 2011

♡ make yourself a thread so your friends can leave you messages with their thoughts about you, their wishes for you for next year, etcetera.
♡ you can also leave yourself a message... anything that you can look back on next year and reminisce about ( Read more... )

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yuidirnt December 7 2011, 21:55:10 UTC
Hello, Lain!
I hope you will have a great 2012 and that I will still be worthy of being your friend by next December. You are an awesome person, so make sure to remember it every day (if you don't, I'll probably be there to remind you constantly, because I'm annoying like that). And keep up the videogame talk, because my Twitter timeline would be way too sad without it.

PS: Just so you know, I'm putting half of the blame for the fact that I'm going back to the Final Fantasy fandom on you! /shakes fist


revenus December 7 2011, 22:24:40 UTC
hi lain!!

i hope 2012 is a wonderful, memorable year for you. you've always been a strong person, and i can only wish all the best for you now and for the future. keep positive, keep drawing beautiful things, and keep going forward ♥

don't be a stranger! c:


pikaporeon December 7 2011, 23:05:15 UTC
Your computer will have been awesome for almost a year ;p


vibri December 8 2011, 00:46:39 UTC
Hello Lain!

A lot happened in 2011, but I'm so glad to see things are looking up for you now, and I hope they continued to do so in 2012! You're such a strong, kind person and you deserve the very best.


ps are you hyped for BBCS3+++++ EX-?


tokugawa December 8 2011, 01:18:21 UTC
Hey :)

You're really an awesome person and I really hope things will get better for you in 2012. I know you can make it through the rough times and overlook any obstacles. Take care. ♥


lavender88 December 8 2011, 02:58:17 UTC
hello lain!

it's partially my fault that we didn't get to talk much because i am always too shy to make the first move, but (if i may say so) i am a pretty damn good background stalker and i've always enjoyed reading your tweets (all your tweets) and posts and seeing you on tumblr and around the place ♥ life might have been hard, but i am proud that you haven't let it take you down yet and that you are still fighting to become a more positive person. that, beyond anything else, shows how much of a better person you are already and i'll be beyond happy if i could be beside you next year to see you through it too! also, hopefully by the time you read this we'll finally have concrete ff: versus news?? too much to hope for? we'll see!!


ittoki December 8 2011, 04:43:42 UTC
'sup noctis-ouji

hey lain!
you've been through quite a bit in the year, but i hope by this year end all your worries would come to a close to welcome the new year! :)

anyway, am loving your ff spazzing so KEEP IT UP i mean it's only in recent times that i got into final fantasy this much, and i think your posts have contributed quite a bit hehe //// i hope in the years to come we could still fangirl and talk about upcoming games and forever!tba versus? ehehe ♥ not only fandom stuff, maybe other things in life too? lolol if you don't mind, ofc ;)

wishing you all the best for 2012, lain!
taka♥ ヽ(  ´  ∇  `  )ノ


nerrin December 8 2011, 11:12:07 UTC
hi, lain!

In 2012, may we still be friends until i can get to comment on your next Time Capsule meme! And then by then perhaps you can look back and be assured that no matter what happened in 2011, your time in 2012 has gotten much better. I really respect how you're so firm in your personal beliefs, it makes talking to you refreshing. You've done so much for other people, I do hope 2012 will be kinder to you, no matter what happens then.



delorche December 8 2011, 20:12:51 UTC
Hi Lain ///

We haven't really talked much in 2011, but I enjoyed the times when we did! I know this hasn't been the easiest and most pleasant year for you(since I bother to go on LJ...haha...ha), but as it's reaching its end, you seem to be feeling better(you discovered the amazing power of tea!)and I'm sure you have positive memories of the year as well so...hopefully 2012 is nothing but positive things!

You're honestly the kind of person that I can admire, you're so strong and honest and I really respect that.

I also love your art and I hope you'll continue to draw C: Your style is really inspiring to me.

last(but not least?)I hope that 2012 will bring you Final Fantasy games to obsess over *-*


tsuruhime December 9 2011, 17:25:29 UTC

You're one of the strongest person I know, I mean, you might be saying there're a lot of things about yourself that isn't so favorable, but to me, you still seem like a strong person. You'll always have friends who're there for you though, so don't be afraid to depend on them too, but you probably know this already.

I hope 2012 would have been a wonderful year for you. Hang in there Lain and give it your best ♥


seisai December 10 2011, 02:26:04 UTC

Man, what a year. I mean I don't think we still know a ton about each other yet, but i'm really happy I could be of help to you when you were on the fence about getting on the internet;; I mean I really did miss you! I hope that in 2012, you can be more confident and sure of yourself - don't take anyone else's crap about not being enough of a good fan for anything or whatever. It's not true. I'm glad that we can share in the pain of being art majors, LOL. Let's work hard and do our best! I hope we can get to know each other better in '12.

By this time.... Type-0 had better be localized. If not... then ... FUCK. lmao


roxas December 10 2011, 04:15:27 UTC

i'm so glad we're friends! huhuhu. it's always super awesome talking to you on twitter and tumblr and everything~ talking about our amazing, flawless oppars and unnirs and heart2heart and agreeing to the terms of service and yeah.

2011 has been super rough but hopefully 2012 will be a super amazing and awesome year~ don't stop drawing because i love your style and just kalhgioasg inspiration. *A* ♥

by the time you read this, i hope we're all playing type-0 together... and maybe we'll get some more information about ffxiii-versus... if we're lucky!!!

anyways!!! here's hoping for the best!!



garrus December 17 2011, 18:35:20 UTC
Hiiii oh goodness it's that time of year again. You've made it through so many trials this year and I'm so proud of you. I hope this year you can find a job that will afford you the security and money you need, but also that you find time to work on your art (and get a job in that field eventually!) and gain more and more confidence in it. I really do love your art so very much (I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you lo-/shot) and I'm so excited to get to work with you in 2012 on World of Two and other stuff in the future, as well.

I know that things will be tough for you even in 2012-your battle's not over yet, either-but I hope that I can be a good friend to you this year, as well, and I'm honored that you feel you can talk to me and open up to me about your feelings on everything. I feel very blessed and grateful to have a friend like you and I just know our friendship will get stronger as the years go by.

I'll be rooting for you in 2012 and waiting for that sandwich. ♥


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