
Dec 01, 2010 11:50

year 2010

♡ make yourself a thread so your friends can leave you messages with their thoughts about you, their wishes for you for next year, etcetera.
♡ you can also leave yourself a message... anything that you can look back on next year and reminisce about ( Read more... )

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garrus December 1 2010, 20:00:26 UTC
I hope that sometime in 2011, you made me a sandwich.


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garrus December 1 2010, 20:08:22 UTC


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garrus December 1 2010, 21:03:51 UTC
excuse me, I'd never do such obvious things that would lead to me getting caught


revenus December 1 2010, 20:17:35 UTC
Hi Lain!

I hope you're still the fun, unique individual I admire you for. Keep up the beautiful drawings, and I wish you all the best in the new year. :)


seisai December 1 2010, 20:58:11 UTC
Dear Lain,

I hope we've screamed about everything under the sun and gotten closer as a result--♥! >///< fjasdfl;kj LDKJFKjdflksfja;sl /flails


garrus December 1 2010, 21:01:59 UTC
ok where do I even begin...

I feel like we've both changed a lot this year (2010) for the better and gotten to know some really awesome people that have helped us pull out of our shells a bit more. I know you don't like opening up to people--or rather, you're sometimes scared of how they might think of you differently, but I hope that you took a leap of faith this year and confided in others. of course, you always know that you have a friend and confidant in me, so I hope you relied on me in 2011, too.

don't always be so harsh and negative towards yourself--you are a wonderful(I MEAN IT) person that honestly I'm honored to call a friend. neither of us are perfect--nobody really expects people to be--but I feel like when I talk to you and when I'm with you, you make up for a lot of the things I lack and help me notice things I wouldn't otherwise. I don't have to say that I hope we're still great friends by the end of 2011 because I know that come hell or high water, we will still be here together by that time ( ... )


tsuruhime December 1 2010, 21:05:26 UTC
Hi Lain!

You know, I don't think I can ever keep cool and give such amazing advice like you do, so I hope that's something you can continue in 2011. I hope you're still working hard and I hope that would be to achieve your dreams. I hope everything went well for you in 2011 and that you're a happier person because of it. Oh, and that over 2011, we've gotten closer too, but that's a bit of a selfish wish on my part which I hope you won't mind.


partaken December 1 2010, 21:35:17 UTC
Dear Lain,

I still, in all likelihood, think you are one of the best people I know. One of the most honest, and loyal, and incredible human beings I have had the privilege to meet. 2010 me is sorry to not to have been around as much, or talked to you as much as we did in the past, but present me hopes we are still friends and can sometimes bond over bad sports anime. Maybe I will finally have stopped talking about watching, and actually watched i11.

Love, Monica.


care December 1 2010, 22:03:35 UTC
lain! your posts are always a joy because fuck yeah fanart LMFHFLJHFDLJH you've always been very sweet in your posts and such and that's what i love about you, how welcoming you are. keep it up through 2011!


desuta December 1 2010, 22:36:38 UTC
☆TO☆LAIN☆CHAN☆IDK WHERE TO START... HI LAIN JE T'AIME ♥ We really got closer to each other the past few months, and I ~DISCOVERED~ in you an amazing friend. I seriously think you're one of the best friend anyone could have, I feel like you really know what to say and how to help other... or at least, know what to say and how to help me ( ... )


softserved December 1 2010, 23:05:49 UTC

I-..remember this year I added you randomly on twitter after making Horito. I don't regret that one bit :') I'm glad we get to talk a lot, and that we pretty much seemed to click right away!

I hope that by next year, we can still keep some sort of contact, I think you're really, really cool, man!

There's probably so much more I want to say, but...I'm so bad at these things, hahaha!

Thank you for everything!

-Ryuusei Cowgirl!


napkins December 1 2010, 23:14:32 UTC
Laine ♥

I am so glad I got to come up and visit you this year; it made it one of the best Thanksgiving breaks I've ever had. I hope I've gotten Darcy to drive up to Ikea so I can visit you again! I also know that we've had an awesome Fanime, and hopefully are planning for it again!

♥ I was really glad to see you open up a lot more this year and have more confidence in yourself; you've really been improving, and I'm glad you recognized that too. I hope your work pays off (I know it will ♥)! You have always been a wonderful friend to me and I hope I've gotten to blather at you more this year, since I miss blathering conversations. I hope you've gained more confidence in yourself as a friend, because I MEAN IT, you are a wonderful friend, and I would love for you to realize it too.

♥ Here's to a great 2011!


purvama December 2 2010, 01:05:30 UTC

JEDEN. I'm very pleased to have you in my wee group of friends. Few are quite as grand as you are. :)
DWA. Though we may not speak for hours on end, you have actually given me the most to think about and consider about many things and for that I truly thank you because they have been a great help for me.
TRZY. It's a small matter I know, but I love that you've enlightened me to various video games! Being able to play SMT games with you and have you around to discuss various things it most appreciated.
CZTERY. This is more something that I'd like to see you do for yourself, but don't put yourself down or doubt/question yourself so much, eh? The times you show great confidence are the best and truly you should be confident because you have great abilities and a personality to match. Also, venting or expressing how you feel isn't annoying so you don't have to ask or hesitate to ever speak your mind. Besides, at times your concerns and problems are things I am going through/have gone through and ( ... )


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