Apr 09, 2004 15:17
last night i went to see eternal sunshine of the spottless mind with tina. it was sooooooooooooooooooooo good. yall have to go and see it. NOW.
ok so heres what this is really about. Wednesday April 21st is the National Day of Silence. its sponcered by GLSEN. We will be taking a vow of silence durring school. you will wear all black since we dont have money to like make a T shirt and ill have rainbow stickers to wear. taylor and i talked to mr. horn about it and it should be ok. we will have cards to pass out explaining why you arnt talking for the day. the silence is supposed to represent the silence of GBLT people all over. to make this work we need to get lots of people to participate. spread the word to everyone you know. i want this to be a success. ask me or taylor wong if you have questions about it.