Since Markie took the time to
tagged me (and sent me an LJ nudge), I figured I should start updating this thing again.
To be honest, I...kinda forgot I had an LJ...well. More like I'd think "oh, I should write something/check it" and then forget soon afterwards. >_>
First, taking care of Markie's tag... )
Comments 4
I'm taking AP Bio next year (which'll be my senior in HS), and right now I'm considering making Biology my major in some way, shape, or form (I want to major Journalism/Biology right now cuz I am weird.)
I agree on the hating math/chem/etcetera. >O Except Biology takes some of those elements, why oh why? :/
YES. It's too good T__T It's like a two for one deal T___T Calgary's their finale too! >:D
Do you know "The Cribs"? I'm not familiar with them, but apparently they're opening for FF/DC.
Bio love! ♥
Ahhh, physics kicked my butt last term, I never did it in high school. T__T Did you/are you doing any other sciences in HS?
I was just twitching. There's a major difference between the two, you know.
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