it hurts. wasn't going to watch the game (massive need to studystudystudy!), but couldn't help myself.
The first 40 minutes were brutal, but injuries must be taken into consideration.
Flames: Thank you for giving us such a great season and playoff run. Terrific effort, and really interesting games to watch. Having this city awashed in red was really fun. Loud, but fun.
Lightning: Congratulations, you were the better team in Game 7.
NHL: I don't like you guys.
Certain Referees: I don't like you guys either.
CBC: Thank you for being SUCH wonderful TB fans.
I'm going to miss this. I've always enjoyed watching Flames hockey, though I never watched it as religiously as I did during the playoffs. Wonder what's going on down at 17th ave, now that we lost.
A group of girls boarded my bus a week ago, and all of them wore a pink/black outfit. Makes me think that there are uniforms in cliques.
[edit > 9:48pm]
I don't care if that Gelinas shot in Game 6 was really a goal or not, but I *do* care about how it wasn't immediately *thoroughly* reviewed. The Cup's at stake here, more precautions should have been made.
This just makes the NHL look even less credible.
Watching hockey taught me the United States national anthem. :B << weird.
I didn't like that Brooke girl who sang the anthems. Brooke...Hogan? Whatever her name was.
Ceci: hey, question.
"He can't help it if he's born into a race unlike the caucasions, and given his looks."
Is it just me, or does that sound like the person's saying if you're not caucasian, you're ugly?
Thorondae: Hm.
Thorondae: ....I believe so.
Thorondae: (which is terribly terribly wrong)
Ceci: man. XD
Where's that quote from? No place other than! :D
His agent phoned about the possibility of him opening Game 3; thankfully, he didn't. >_>;
I really wonder if William's as naive and innocent as he seems. People say that he doesn't know he's being laughed at and that he's being exploited, that he's just letting himself enjoy singing in public, but maybe he's perfectly aware of those things and just happily raking it in.
linkNot agreeing with everything Todd Lee wrote, but:
"The question here is not whether there is pimping going on, it’s who’s pimping whom?" << Precisely.
I pity William Hung. If he is being exploited without realizing it, then I pity him for that. If he's just raping the situation for as much profit as possible, then I pity him for being so willing to throw away his pride and go that low.
I still think it's more the latter. He has *got* to be aware of this. I honestly don't believe the argument that the public "loves him for his refreshing [insert praise]". Maybe some people, but certainly not the majority. People love him because he's awful. If there was another guy who tried out, and he had that kind of refreshing feeling but was somewhat attractive (though not excessively so; that would attract attention), had a mediocre voice and no accent, singing fairly well but no outstanding performance, would he cause as big of a sensation? No. Would he even raise anyone's eyebrow, or deserve a second look? No, he'll probably be dismissed as just another Idol hopeful.
This is definitely not about William Hung's "refreshing" side.
A lot of Chinese (actually, quite a lot of asians in general from what I've seen) claims that he's the shame of an entire race. That this is blatant racism, and North America's openly accepting it, yadda yadda yadda. Okay. Yeah, I guess that could be it. The executive guy did admit that Hung's accent was what made the music funny.
I agree with this guy on one of the message boards:
"But getting back to the point, what makes the phenomenon tick, and is it racist? The answer, as always, lies in the middle. He is relentlessly bad and for some reason self-confident. That's one factor. He is also the very image of century-old racist stereotypes. That's another factor. Both these factors explain his otherwise unexplainable and sudden burst of fame, not one or the other, since he would not be famous if he did not possess both. But it must be added that the balance tips many different ways between person to person. It'll be impossible to speculate on how much of a factor racism plays in his success, but it's very much certain that it plays a part. Not saying it explicitly doesn't make it go away.
Moving on, I bring you to the bigger question: Will This Hurt Asian-Americans?
"Producers 'are already saying that Asian-American males that look like William Hung are going to be big money makers.'"
That seems pretty straightforward to me. This won't just hurt Asian-Americans. This will hurt the entire world. Why do people buy his records and support him? If the answer is not "Because they like his record", then I call each and every purchase stupid. This isn't some $1000-a-plate political fundraiser. They're not paying money to support a cause, unless that cause is to make more William Hungs - more relentlessly-bad, self-confident, century-old stereotypes. The world weeps."
He's taking proper voice/dancing lessons. If, as someone claimed, people like him because he's "so bad that he's good", wouldn't that just hurt his sales? As I've said before, I doubt his personality does little more than add on to the main show (i.e. his singing/looks/weird dancing).
Sure he's the sort of thing that'll make American Idol kick itself repeatedly. A reject getting more attention than the winners? Inconceivable! :O Good for him. (On that note, I've never liked [insert country] Idol. Watched a total of two minutes, didn't like any of the competitors, switched channels to a skiing competition instead.) But I really think that William Hung's time is up. He got a "good god o__O" giggle out of me at first, but now he's just getting old. Dead and rottin', people need to move on.
Ahem. I shouldn't be online, got a lot to do I'll make my exit now. :D I'm on the "study-new-material-tonight-test-next-day" system, so I better start cramming some more. XDD
Hope you are all doing well and :333;; *slinks off*