(no subject)

Jan 19, 2009 15:03

The Australian Open (the tennis one, I mean) begins today in 33°C/91°F glory. (Edit: It actually got to 37°C/97°F. So not envious of the players.) I really want to go this year but a) I can't afford it right now, b) I'm interstate throughout the duration. Maybe it's for the best. Even if there's no better fun than counting how many times Nadal tugs on his shorts.

I love this article: The Return of the Remake of the Backstory Sequel - Part III, about how a majority of 2009 cinema will be remakes/unecessary sequels/stuff with budgets that should really be used to conquer Third World poverty. It reaffirms to me why Jim Schembri is bloody fantastic when I'm not slightly pissed at him for being a nitpicky cynic. (I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE REMAKING THE BIRDS. WHAT POSSESSES THESE PEOPLE?)

Aww, Rachel Griffiths is having another tiny tot! Squee! (Except I got irritated at all the ONTD shit because her son's name is Banjo - after Banjo Paterson, you morons. You know, like what Heath Ledger did? Stop the hate.)

I was reading an article the other day about the legal grey area radio stations are facing when playing Britney's "If U Seek Amy" (which I found really interesting, but I'm a nerd like that) but I'm relieved to find they're not bothering to censor it here. On the contrary, the radio announces are just highlighting it by saying before the song, "LISTEN TO THIS, ISN'T IT HILARIOUS? HAHAHA!" (Speaking of radio, the boys are back from summer hiatus today, thank the lords.)

Private Practice made me cry this week. As for Grey's - jeeeesus, I love Owen Hunt and his patheticness of standing in the shower.

And outofdoritos tagged me in December. DECEMBER. I'm pathetic.

Once you've been tagged, come up with 16 random things about yourself. Then choose 6 people to be tagged. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. No tagging, steal if you want.

Previous editions: One, Two, Three and Four, Five, Six. The longevity of this can't stretch on much further; I'm running out of things to say and surely you can't be that interested?!

1. I'm a coffee snob. I'll always go to an independant cafe over Starbucks (thank God they're few and far between these days) unless there's absolutely no alternative.
2. I got a pink iPod nano in mid-December because my ancient pink mini finally kicked the bucket. I was gleeful of the novelty factor: "OMG! COLOUR SCREEN! IT CAN PLAY VIDEOS!"
3. I have this atrocious habit of bookmarking fics and reading them like, a fortnight later. Therefore I'm pathetically bad at giving feedback. *facepalm*
4. Speaking of bookmarks and bad habits, I also rest opened books upside down because I'm too lazy to use bookmarks.
5. I don't touch type the "proper" way. You know, with your index fingers on the F and J. But my own personal way works just as efficiently, so what the hey - if it ain't broke, et cetera.
6. The first CD I ever got was The Wiggles' first album when I was four. Back when there were five - yes, five - of them and they just wore hippie shirts.
7. I have a stupid amount of loyalty cards in my wallet, mostly half-used, and then wonder why it's so fat that I can't close it properly.
8. I remember other people's numberplates better than my own.
9. I have a stack of TV Hits magazines under my bed from 1999-2001 which I can't bring myself to throwing out.
10. I have more keyrings on my bunch than actual keys.
11. Likewise, I have more burned DVDs than real boxed DVDs.
12. The first overseas plane trip I ever took was when I was two months old to Sweden. Apparently flying at such a young age didn't do me any brain damage, although the jury's still out on that one.
13. The first YouTube video I ever watched was 'The Evolution of Dance', linked to me by my cousin, back in May 2006 when it had < 3000 views. Oh, how we have progressed since.
14. I could never be vegetarian. I eat meat like nobody's business. (Cookies if you know that movie.) I admire those who decide to be, however, and do so. 'Cause that ain't ever gonna happen to me.
15. I dislike summer for its heat (there's a reason why I live in the bottom end of Australia and not north in the tropics) but I love the stone fruits, cherries and watermelon that become in-season. I gorge myself out on them.
16. I can still shamelessly recite all the lyrics to I Want You by Savage Garden (I KNOW YOU REMEMBER THAT SONG).

That took me surprisingly ages.

And I'm pretty sure it's still the 18th for you, so a huge happy birthday to lightsarefading! I'm positive you're having a delightful day and I can't wait to hear about it. Don't ever stop being awesome, k? ♥

tv: grey's anatomy, people: rachel griffiths, tv: private practice, music: britney, people: hamish & andy, life: tennis, memes

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