Six white boomers, snow white boomers

Dec 24, 2008 17:02


Regardless of whether you celebrate or not, I really hope you all have your own lovely festive times. And just to go all mushy on you for a second, I want to send out love to everyone because you guys are ten billion litres of awesome. If awesome was measurable. And in liquid form. (Oh, stop trying to apply logic, just accept it, k.)

Some of you have done some really wonderful things for your entire flist and there's no way I can match it. And that makes me feel bad, because doing a generic "Merry Christmas, all!" is so blah and impersonal. But that will have to do. ♥


Will do a big-arse Christmas post tomorrow or Boxing Day, I think. I'm too lazy (and full) to do it now.

Last but certainly not least, a massive happy birthday to allthatcandyx! I sure hope the sun is out for you and that you have a smashing day. ♥ (I was trying my best to insert a Jetsparrow joke in here but failed miserably.)

life: christmas

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