(no subject)

Nov 21, 2008 22:50

Kate Walsh looked hot on Ellen. I'm just saying. ALSO! Grey's and Private Practice crossovers in the new year! It'll be Private Anatomy, yo. Oh, man, that title sounds dirty. And I like it.

Because Tina calling us internerds inflating our already-ginormous heads into something deserving its own national anthem, gemmi_joo made free badges. Of which I put two in my profile as a sign of recognition and pride. Internerds unite, huzzah! (Go on, you know you want to.)

Seems like my spoilerphobe stance on Prison Break is deteriorating. Must work on that. Note to self: Cuts labelled "spoilery" are bad. Do not click. On a related note... BAAAAAAABY (and her non-blue eyes)!

Christ, my heart kind of exploded. Hugh Jackman in the Italian Vanity Fair. aksjdhskjh.

I worked up the courage to watch this week's All Saints today, sobbed as predicted, and then promptly watched Hamish & Andy Regifted for which I'd saved for that very occasion as solid cheering-up-material, despite me having seen the segments before. And then I tried imagining staging something like that in my backyard and ended up just scratching my head.

H'OKAY, IT'S ROCKEFELLAR FRIDAY! (That's also gemmi_joo's.) Otherwise known as The Day Cec Goes A Bit Ballistic With Dot Points And TV Flailage. You know what to do.

Private Practice, 2x06 "Serving Two Masters"

1. The old couple Sam and Naomi were dealing with made me almost cry. "You promise me that. And then, you let me go. Promise me that, my love." And sort-of closure for Sam and Naomi? (Not that the word 'closure' ever really exists in Shonda's shows, but you know.)

2. "What do I say?" "You're a doctor!" I love Sam when he gets all defensive and stammery: "Hey, I have game! I'm - I'm handsome! Alright?" And when Pete told everyone else about Cooper and Charlotte and Sam has the best expression on his face of glee.

3. I'm so glad Kevin came back! I really like him and Addie. Where can I get one of him from? Coming back after seeing her being arrested was fantastic. AND ADDIE. OH, ADDIE. Why are you annoying me lately? I DO NOT WANT TO BE ANNOYED WITH YOU. EVER. But there's just something that's... off? God, my own thoughts don't even make any logical sense. (Although I'm glad they finally addressed the fact that, yes, she cheated on Derek. None of this flighty bullshit they've been throwing at us lately, because the Addie then was fierce. And I'm not saying people can't change, but for her explain her lack trust issues was better than being all Meredith Grey about it.)

4. Viiiolet. I wanted you to tell Cooper about Charlotte so bad and yet, nothing. And now Charlotte thinks she's told him and he's okay with it and yet he doesn't know and oh, this is messy.

Ranty McRant: I still find myself cooing over Cooper when he looks at Violet, and then two seconds later get outraged because WHAT. Those things he does with Violet are done with such a manner that he just doesn't do with Charlotte, which makes me want to pull my hair out because then we're expected to believe that he "loves" Cruella? (Hee, go Vi.) Oh, I'm not writing this out coherently. Um.

Okay, I guess my issue is that see the way he behaves around her? It's so warm and familiar and caring and it was those things that made me love them from that backdoor pilot Grey's episode, and love even more when it was revealed he was in love with her, because really, it fit.

And now that they've got over their recent BFF-friction, he still has that demeanour around her yet apparently he doesn't love her any more. It's just so inconsistent. And I know people could say, "Oh, but it doesn't mean he doesn't still care about her", but the motives behind his actions don't hold nearly the same amount of significance despite being the exact same. Crapballs, I DO NOT MAKE SENSE. I'm sorry, guys.

DELLLLLL. Oh sweet Jesus, I died and reincarnated only to die again. That was beyond fantastic, I can't even. When the episode synopsis said "special woman" I was expecting a family member or the cliche of a gurrrrlfriend, but definitely not his daughter. When I saw Betsy I thought, "Oh, it's his niece/baby cousin/something else lame" and then, sigh. The sight of Chris Lowell holding a child almost toppled me off my chair. On the radio this morning they were having a discussion of how men look so much hotter and endearing when they've got kids, AND IT'S SO TRUE. LOOK AT HIM.

And the way he wanted her to be proud of him! OH DEAR LORD.

And I went around flailing at dekolette and krys33 and poked muldy and completely lost my marbles. Which in turn scared me because I didn't think I could have such a reaction to anything on this show other than Cooper and Violet getting married and having lots of babies (HA! MINI COOPERS! My God, I'm lame). But clearly the sight of Chris Lowell + kid is a new frontier.

6. And they played "Mad About You", yet another song from the 13 Going On 30 soundtrack. Hee!

30 Rock, 3x04 "Gavin Volure"

1. "Is this potpourri or chips? Because I'm gonna try and eat it... These are not chips." And then she keeps eating them. ILU LIZ LEMON.

2. "Don't overthink it. Sara Lee, frozen: unbelievable!" (And oh, Jack and Liz were in the Sunday Style section of The New York Times. Hee.)

3. "You'll be able to buy your folks a pig moat." "Well, that would be great if pigs weren't excellent swimmers."

4. a) "He asked if we were involved, I said you used to have a thing for me but you were getting over it - that is what's happening, right?" Hey, watch it, buddy. Who's the one making the eyes? That's right.
b) "I wish you could start a relationship about twelve years in, when you really don't have to try anymore, and you can just sit around together and goof on TV shows and then go to bed without anyone trying any funny business." Aww.
c) "You're going to go to Gavin's and you're gonna work this thing like a Chinese gymnast: wear something tight, force a smile and lie about your age." MOST POSSIBLY MY FAVOURITEST LINE.

5. "Sometimes to feel like I have company during dinner I dispute credit card charges over speakerphone." What, like 14,000 racquetballs?

6. Not only was it good to see Pete back (though no Jenna, sigh, although I did like that line about her dad) but he pwned Jack! WIN!

7. "Liz isn't going anywhere. ("I already told him that.") You've already done her enough damage, taking advantage of her loneliness and her Big Ben-sized biological clock. ("Oh, come on!") I'm stopping this. I can't believe I'm saying this to the great Gavin Volure but Liz Lemon is too good for you." ("Oh, well, that is nice.")


And finally, I'm really sorry to all my Pushing Daisies flisters. You know when you haven't even seen a show but you know you kind of love it anyway? Yeah, that. (I've been waiting for it to start airing here - was meant to start in July but I guess Channel 9 scrapped that idea. Pfft.)

people: hugh jackman, tv: private practice, people: hamish & andy, people: sarah wayne callies, tv: 30 rock, people: kate walsh

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