(no subject)

Oct 24, 2008 21:27

H'OKAY. So, this was a pretty epic day. Three episodes of my three favourite shows. Another showcase of Feylin with a dollop of Will Ferrell. I had a fairly nice chat to my boss this morning for once, instead of defending my actions. The pretty blue-eyed barista at uni prettied my latte more than usual. And I've organised going to my favourite bar tomorrow night with my girl gang.

So, that makes for a decent day. I have two exams next week that I haven't studied for, what?

AND THIS: "Visitors to Melbourne’s Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) will have a world exclusive opportunity to step onto the set of Baz Luhrmann’s soon-to-be-released epic feature film Australia when 'Setting the Scene: Film Design from Metropolis to Australia' opens in Melbourne on December 4, 2008." [Source] I CAN'T BREEEEATHE.

From the four years of playing her, do you have a favorite Addison moment?
Kate Walsh: "There's this moment when I was sitting at one of the nurse's stations in one of the episodes of Grey's and I'm watching Karev walk by and am sort of like a hungry animal. There's like this one moment where he's walking by, like, pushing a cart and then Callie busts me salaciously looking at him."
HELL, YES. I loved that scene and watched the ABC sneak peek countlessly. "Lines of deliciousness" FTW! And will Addie ever get her sexspecs back? Because they rocked so hard.

Three fandoms, three cuts. It's only logical.

Prison Break, 4x08 "The Price"

1. Sara, ilu. You be kick arse and lots of other cool adjectives. Michael? I'm kind of irritated at you. YOU'RE NOT FINE. STOP SAYING YOU ARE. LIKE SHE'S GOING TO FORGET ABOUT IT JUST LIKE THAT? But there were super-long gazes to be had which I greatly approve of.

2. Oh, and when he told her about Gretchen he was totally touching her. Idiotic director not wanting to get a full body shot.

3. Bellick and his bad feeling and his mum. Oh, man, why am I feeling for a guy I used to hate so badly? Speaking of which, I still hate Gretchen, don't you worry... but kind of less? DAMN THIS SHOW AND ITS CHARACTERS GETTING TO ME.

4. Michael holding Roland's hand... oh, there's season one Michael coming back to us. His face.

30 Rock, 3x01 "Do Over"

I actually couldn't sleep properly last night because my brain kept going, "WHAT IF IT'S ON HULU RIGHT NOW? WHAT IF?" and I had to try and ignore it. And failed. That's pretty sad, right?

1. "Hel-lo, pussycat!" "Oh, really? A lot of ladies get right in the car after that line, you creepy piece of... JACK!" I still kinda can't believe he said that. Can you imagine him doing that a year ago? I THINK NOT.

2. "I got rid of all my Colin Firth movies in case they consider them erotica." "That man can wear a sweater." I HEART THIS LINE. SO MUCH. REINDEER JUMPERS, Y'ALL!!

3. "If there's one thing I learnt from you, Jack - is keep your friends close, and your enemies so close that you're almost kissing." I almost cried from laughing. And Jack getting promoted twice in one day. I love him.

4. "Have you ever been convicted of a crime?" "I was arrested once in Germany for public nudity. I thought it was a topless beach... it was a shipyard."


6. The canon acknowledgement of Liz's picture behind her desk looking... suspicious. Hurrah!

7. "How far would I have to let her go to get my job back? Are we talking over-the-shirt, frontsies, backsies, or would I really have to... give her my gift?" When Kathy's pulling his shoes off I actually felt a bit nauseous.


9. "Think about the jobs, the economy - this is GE!" "It's just G now, Jack. I sold the E to Samsung. They're Samesung now." Oh, this show. This show.

10. "Three of my nine siblings were adopted. And some day, I'm gonna find them."

11. "You smell like strawberries." If Jack had thought she smelt like fish biscuits I would have died, no kidding. (Um, how many people here watch Lost? Whatever.) "That's the strawberry lip gloss she put on me so I could be her 'fancy boy'."

12. "This job is all I've ever wanted, Lemon. And now it hinges on a woman in Dora the Explorer panties that were clearly made for an obese child."

13. Bev getting KO'd by Frank's gold nunchucks! "Where's my clicky pen?"

14. "You know you're the only woman I've ever really loved." No, I'm not repeating that because of that line (puh-lease, give me credit, guys) but did you see the way Liz kind of swallowed and had a "um, what?" expression on her face for a split second? BRILLIANT. Oh, and when her hand smooshes his eye and then his face is silently groaning, "No, it goes here, Lemon" and when she turns around he gets an "Oh boy" expression and squeezes his eyes shut like a child and then I get an attack of the giggles because all ships aside, it was bloody hilarious.


15. THAT LAST BIT. It's not even what she said (although, now that we're here: "I just like seeing you in there." SO. LOVELY.) but just the way she doubled back and stuck her head around and smiled and my insides had the consistency of goopy mashed potatoes and Liz was really quite adorable this episode, y/mfy?

And I didn't notice until muic pointed it out, but Alec's also producing? Cool stuff. (And this was originally twice as long. I cut it down for everyone's sanity, or lack thereof.)

Edit: Oh, and I was tiny, weeny bit disappointed they didn't make a reference to Tina and Megan being mistaken for each other. Except I suppose that doesn't happen much anymore, but. Yeah.

Private Practice, 2x03 "Nothing to Talk About".


2. How on earth did Kate and Tim run and talk at the same time? I mean, I know they would have shot it in portions but man, that takes skills.

3. DELL! I started grinning. One episode without and I miss him so badly.

4. "How are you, Mr Scrub Cap?" Oh, they kept her Grey's cap! This makes me happy. And just generally referring to when she was a kick-arse neonatal surgeon was fantastic. It's obvious Shonda and Co are trying to get Addie back to her roots and I'm not complaining one iota.

But that husband of the woman she operated on - I wanted to kick his teeth in. I see where he's coming from and he makes a good point, but no one stands there and treats Addison Forbes Montgomery like that, Mister. For all you know she has twenty surgeries a day and had a mental blank of the patient's name. She just saved your wife's life. Don't start berating her. It will get me pissed. ("Put a scalpel in my palm; I feel centred." I loved that.)

5. "Which is bigger? Ginormous or huge?" Old Cooper. I love it.

6. "Is stewing a real therapeutic technique?" "Usually works with you." Ha.

7. "Does anyone have anything helpful to say?" "At least he doesn't have a big head." "Or wear panties." And I love how we never saw the baby. Clearly ABC couldn't work out how to shoot that one, hee.

8. "Big head's not a problem, it's a virtue, moron!" Okay, Charlotte kind of rocked that line. Well, the whole speech. But she was saying it to Cooper so it kind of lost its greatness effect on me.

9. Speaking of speeches: "You were using me as your Addison. I'm not your Addison. Not anymore. I used to be, before Addison got here, and then you just started talking to her. You hurt my feelings, and I know I'm a therapist and I'm meant to say it's alright, but it's not alright. And you can't just make me Addison again and think that makes it all better." OH, VIOLET. VIOLET. How is she so awesome? I'm so glad we're seeing another side to her this season, the grown-up one, the one that can see things for what they are without the bullshit in the way.

10. "I'm a man. I'm not wearing those damn pink scrubs." "Welcome back, Dell." I adored all the Naomi and Dell interactions. And he was right to be demanding what he did. Sam can shove it down his throat, because DELL IS BACK. The Oceanside wheel has its hub back.

Phew. Although I don't think I've got many flisters who love all three shows, so I guess that doesn't make it so bad? (Right, Cec.) If only writing an essay was that easy, but such is life. Have yourselves a lovely weekend, m'dears! Cec out. (That doesn't have the same ring to it as "Lemon". Dope.)

Edit: Whoops, almost forgot. Give these people some love on their meme threads if you're friends with them, too: stop_theworld ( here), andsheloves ( here) and bertiebob ( here), flatlined ( here) and solitaryraven, oh no, I've lost her link! Fail, me. But she has one too. And I have one on page 25, I guess.

people: tina fey, general life, tv: private practice, tv: 30 rock, tv: prison break, movie: australia

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