30 Rock: Jack/Liz picspam

Oct 02, 2008 00:10

This was supposed to fill the hiatus-induced void and to help with curing withdrawals. Then I got lazy and never finished it. But aided by the squee following that promo, I guess this has basically turned into an anticipatory party post for season 3, because OMG YOU GUYS THEY'RE COMING BACK SOON.

And, um, this was originally sixty pictures. Cutting it down was, like, the hardest thing ever. OH GOD IT HURTS.

Hey, Tinie? Don't hurt me. Kthx. ;)
Disclaimer: If you hate them, think it's wrong, whatever - that's cool. Haters to the left, that's all I'm sayin'.

(Obviously not dial-up friendly, but you already knew that.)

SEASON 1 & 2

Jack: I thought you were going to quit.
Liz: Yeah, well, you don't know everything about me.

Jack: Staff meshing together well?
Liz: Oh yes.
Jack: Good. I'm counting on you.

Liz: Where are you headed with this?
Jack: Your mood affects the quality of your work, which in turn affects me. I would like to become a resource to you for improving your personal life. Would you agree that you need someone in your life, Lemon?

Liz: I thought you said we were friends.
Jack: I said we were friendly.
Liz: Well, I don't like you anymore.
Jack: I don't believe you.

Liz: Any dum-dum can act, Jack. So be a man, and get it done.
Jack: If you were any other woman on Earth, I would be turned on right now.
Liz: Go home. Get some sleep.
Jack: This stays between us, right, Lemon?

Liz: And, unlike the rest of Jack's girlfriends, I have all my original parts.
Bianca: Oh, hang onto this one, John. She's a keeper.
Liz: Yeah, I'm a keeper!

Jack: Lemon, I want to thank you for showing me that I could have a pleasant evening with a women my own age.
Liz: I'm twelve years younger than you.
Jack: A woman your age, then.

Jack: Lemon, what do you say: you and me, Atlantic City. We could be in the crepe line at The Borgata by dawn.

Jack: It seems that things are lining up once again for old Liz Lemon. And you say?
Liz: Thank you, Jack!
Jack: You're welcome.

Jack: You left me dangling, Lemon. I'm not a creative type like you, with your work sneakers and your left-handedness. I can't do what you do.

Liz: Why am I even having this conversation with you? Look at your life, Jack! It's like this Sky Box: it's fancy, and it's empty, and it smells like crab cakes.

Jack: You know, you never answered my question the other day; what you think of Pheobe.
Liz: I wish I had the guts to do what you're doing, and just going for it, God bless.
Jack: You still haven't answered my question.
Liz: I... think she likes you a lot, and I think she takes care of you, and she's smart, and pretty... and completely wrong, and she doesn't deserve you. I think she's weird, and I don't like her, and her ex-boyfriend is old, and I don't even think she's British! And you shouldn't marry her, Jack - please don't marry her!

Liz: So what did you think of the show?
Jack: Honestly? I no longer think you're doing a terrible job and... I'm very proud of you.

Jack: Oh, come on. Lemon, if there's two things I'm certain about, one is you will never finish that quilt -
Liz: I know.
Jack: - and you are not over Floyd.
Liz: I really am, Jack. I'm telling you, this is my year.

Jack: Good God, Lemon - what's happened to you? I thought this was going to be your year.
Liz: I couldn't even hold it together one week. I'm not you, Jack. I can't have a heart attack and then pretend like it never happened. I can't break up with someone and immediately recover. I'm not you. I'm just me.
Jack: Lemon, don't even say you're just you. Because you are better than you. And I am not going to let you give up! This is going to be our year.

Liz: I got a call from some lawyer today, who's asking me what kind of boss you are, and how long I've known you, and what kind of animal best describes you...
Jack: What did you say?
Liz: An eagle... with the head of a bear?
Jack: Thank you. Your respect means the world to me, Lemon.

Liz: I have to do that thing that rich people do where they turn money into more money. Can you teach me how to do that?
Jack: With my eyes closed.

Jack: A youthful companion is the ultimate status accessory.
Liz: Well, maybe you can pull that off, you're a man. It's different for women.
Jack: That is so sexist of you! To that clueless boy over there, you're a very powerful woman. Technically, you're a catch. You've got money, status, naturally thick hair, a decent set...
Liz: Alright.

Jack: Thank God I'm off the market.
Liz: Oh, are you seeing someone?
Jack: What? No. I mean, this company is my girlfriend. She gives me all the loving I'll ever want or need.
Liz: That's... gross, Jack.

Liz: Nice to have some positive reinforcement, isn't it?
Jack: Well, it's only positive reinforcement when they say it to you. In my case, they're just stating the facts. I do look like the Arrow shirt man, I did lace my skates up professionally and I did do a fabulous job finishing my muffin.
Liz: You wish you were in my family.
Jack: Don't be ridiculous! So, this Disney cruise in March, are you in or out?

Liz: Oh boy, I'm sorry.
Jack: Lemon, it's my fault, I lied to you.
Liz: About what?
Jack: All this time I've been telling you that we can have it all: success and happiness, the big office and true love...
Liz: Wait, we can't?
Jack: No. Because they both require everything of you. You have to choose.
Liz: So which are you going to choose?

Liz: I survived. It made me a better person, and the same is true of you. All this, all your success, is because of that certificate. It made you who you are. And that is not a bad thing.
Jack: Thank you, Lemon.

Jack: I gotta admit, I never thought I'd get you.
Liz: The stutter, the certificate, Gilly...? Yeah, well, I made all that stuff up about the extra baby foot. I made that up; that was to make you feel better.
Jack: I'll walk you out.

Liz: Hey, you're not bumping Dennis for my benefit, are you?
Jack: Of course I am. I base all my business decisions on your needs. That's why GE is going to introduce the pocket deep fryer.
Liz: That would sell, by the way.

Jack: Lemon, I want to share a secret with you. I spoke with Don Geiss, and in a few days it will be officially announced... that I am the next chairman of GE.
Liz: Oh my God, congratulations!
Jack: Hugging... it's so ethnic.

Jack: It's good to have you in my corner.
Liz: Hey, you know - I've always got your back.

Liz: I'm sorry about that, I'm a little nervous.
Jack: Don't apologise, you're a natural.
Liz: I'm feeling pretty drunk.
Jack: Well, it's business-drunk. It's like rich-drunk; either way, it's legal to drive.

Liz: Oh, this is all so weird. It's making me sick to my stomach.
Jack: Lemon, it's eight o'clock in the morning, are you eating those Mexican cheese curls?
Liz: Hey, don't knock my Sabor de Soledad! I found a prize in here the other day... I hope.

[Jack listening to Liz's many voicemail messages]
Liz: Jack, I've spent the last hour looking at cribs online. It's crazy, even with all this Dennis stuff all I can think about is baby hair, and converting my laundry and newspaper pile into a nursery... so I don't want you to worry about me, 'cause I'm happy.

Liz: I know, now, that I'm definitely ready. I want to adopt.
Jack: Are you sure? What about artificial insemination?
Liz: No, I can't go to a sperm bank - the Duffy men use those like ATMs.
Jack: Then, Lemon... I want to assist you.
Liz: ...what?
Jack: With an adoption - oh good Lord, Lemon, with an adoption. I know a lot of well-connected people.
Liz: Okay, then, yeah - help me. Thanks.

And even though it was eventually cut, this is basically it:
"I never thought I would say this, but there are times that I actually really like that guy. I was wrong about him. I know Jack and I got off to a rocky start, but I feel like our professional relationship has blossomed into something unexpected and lovely."
- Liz Lemon, episode 1x13 "Up All Night".

(Especially if he keeps making those eyes. I'm just saying.)

(Quote transcript and screencaps by me; so please do not reuse elsewhere without asking first, thanks!)

!picspam, tv: 30 rock

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