(no subject)

Aug 15, 2008 15:40

Evidently I take the swimming too seriously (every day from 12-2pm has been spent watching it), but I'm devastated for Leisel. And Libby (who was so gracious and classy, bless her smile), but Leisel. I just... yeah. I'm gonna be in a mopey mood for the rest of the day, be warned. (And Eamon yesterday... I wasn't crushed, but rather just plain annoyed.) Having said that, I'm proud of Little Miss Jones for carrying herself the way she did when her insides were absolutely heartbroken, even when she collapsed afterwards.


Meme stolen from carpesomediem to cheer me up:
List five or more of your fictional crushes, and then list five reasons why it wouldn't work out in real life.

The Crushes Meme

1. Michael Scofield (Prison Break)

Why I Like Him: It's MICHAEL, yo. That's it. He fights for what is right, he's focussed, and he'll do anything for the ones he loves.
Why It Wouldn't Work: I'd ultimately like to think that things would be beautifully blissful between us and I'd practically be his second soulmate, but really? I think his intensity and attentiveness would be a bit much for me all the time.

2. Sawyer Ford (Lost)

Why I Like Him: Everyone loves a bad boy. And those dimples! Guh. He's also loyal and protective over those he cares for.
Why It Wouldn't Work: Too much bad-boy for it to last.

3. Alex Karev (Grey's Anatomy)

Why I Like Him: He pretends to be an arse, but deep down he's got a soft spot. He takes care of babies and tells it like it is.
Why It Wouldn't Work: I don't have a lot of patience when he's being a jerk. And he can be.

4. Justin Walker (Brothers & Sisters)

Why I Like Him: He's got a good sense of humour and he's sensitive to females. Plus, then I'd be part of the Walker clan which would be awesome.
Why It Wouldn't Work: His drug problem. I've been lied to too many times about drugs that I wouldn't be able to trust him no matter how much I'd want to.

5. Cooper Freedman (Private Practice)

Why I Like Him: He's the most adorable man, well, ever. He's funny and supportive and fantastic BFF material, and loves kids too. Aww.
Why It Wouldn't Work: He's a self-confessed emotional dwarf and I don't know if he could commit to anyone that isn't Violet.

6. Tom Scavo (Desperate Housewives)

Why I Like Him: He really is a fantastic husband, and that's all there is to it. He genuinely cares about people and is such a sweetheart.
Why It Wouldn't Work: His jealousy, perhaps. And he's pretty stubborn.

But I'm okay with the six above not working out. I'll just marry Grigg Harris instead.


In some good news - thanks, muic, you lifesaver - there are two pretty awesome film equations:
Tina Fey + Steve Carrell = Date Night.
Meryl Streep + (possibly) Alec Baldwin = Untitled Nancy Meyers Project.
HELL. YES. Then there's Eric Bana's directional debut starring himself, and a Peter Norman film (to go along with the Salute documentary, which will be brilliant)... things are looking rosier on the cinematic front. LESS THAN THREE MONTHS TILL AUSTRALIA, YOU GUYS.

And thank you for all the well-wishes whilst I had the flu - I'm feeling all better except for a cough that will take another three weeks to go away (but I always have that). You guys rawk greatly. ♥

life: olympics, people: tina fey, people: alec baldwin, people: eric bana, memes: list

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