(no subject)

May 22, 2008 21:38

Eurovision and the American Idol final, all at once? Okay. Although AI was lacking a singing turkey, but I digress. *chuckle*

Isn't it awesome when your iTunes is on shuffle but it seems to know exactly what you're in the mood to hear, even if you don't know it yourself?

"That's not a typo, sir. That's a wink." "That's a semi-colon and a closed parenthesis!" "Turn it sideways." "...Well, what the hell does this mean?" I haven't felt this for a good while now, but George rocked in last week's Grey's. AND CALLIE/MARK/HAHN = OT3, MAN. However, can someone tell me what was said in the last scene? My audio carked it. Derek called out to Rose as she was leaving and they talked and walked out hand in hand, and Meredith was in the shrink's office. Please and thanks? Thanks, pibby!

Because I inadvertently have to mention Tina Fey in EVERY GODDAMN ENTRY I WRITE (I'm sorry, I don't even mean to do it and you all must be rolling your eyes by now). On who would be in her Cabinet if she were President: "I would have Jack McBrayer be Ambassador to every country, because you can't say no to Jack McBrayer. He'd be like, 'Yo, Korea. I'm serious y'all, you gotta stop making those missiles!'" FTW.

I've got a sore throat, which is always the first sign of a cold coming on. But I have an assessment due in tomorrow and have work in the morning, so eek, no catch-up sleep for this miss. Please, Cold, just stay away until Saturday. Then I can deal with you. *bats eyelashes* In the meantime, I'm in a kinda spammy mood, so feel free to hit me with it if you want. I can take it.

Happy Birthday to two incredibly lovely gals, pibby and hazz23. I know it's not the 23rd for a few more hours here (let alone in Texas, heh) but I don't think I'm going to be on the interwebs much tomorrow, so snaps for me being on the ball, eh? Hope you have fantastical days! ♥

Pimping! mlp_love, the place to channel all your Mary-Louise Parker love into. Because she's great, as is cnnjunky for making it.

people: mary-louise parker, people: tina fey, general life, tv: grey's anatomy

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