(no subject)

May 18, 2008 20:43

The birthday girl, Tina Fey on the funniest number: "58,008, right? On a 1970s calculator, upside down." Booyah. There is so much about her to love. And she thinks the funniest accent is an Australian one. Uh, why? (And how the hell did I miss this interview? Am I the only one whose radar went right over it?)

16th September is the US release date of the Private Practice DVD. THERE WILL BE BLOOPERS. How excited am I for these? (Very, FYI.)

And the Australia trailer is going to be released online on Monday morning! (Although that's like Sunday morning/early afternoon in the US.) OMIGODSQUEE.

Guys & Dolls yesterday was absolutely fantastic. How I wish I could've seen the West End one with Jane Krakowski and Ewan McGregor, but alas. If I watched Sea Patrol I'd be spazzing out about seeing the two lead actors play Sky and Sarah ('cause imagine if one of my OTPs did a musical together? Omigod). Ian Stenlake and Lisa McCune are pretty adorable, I concluded, after he picked her up and carried her offstage after the applause. And I met Shane Jacobson (AKA Kenny the toilet plumber, which is kinda exciting for me since I never meet anyone remotely well-known).

I also went and saw the Soweto Gospel Choir perform today. They're from South Africa and won the Grammy for Best World Album in 2007 and 2008; they were fantastic. Got two standing ovations from the audience, even. It was so uplifting.

Darren Hayes continues to make me obsess over him in some sort of adoring admiration-love. From his latest blog: "Don't get me started on red carpets. The question, 'What are you wearing?' The truth? 'I'm wearing an extraordinarily beautiful and hideously expensive designer outfit that I am wearing in exchange for publicity. I would never pay cash for this. But the designer is hoping you will'." He tells it like it is, and he's the most beautiful human being for it.

Random piece of trivia for the day: IMDB tells me that Tina shares a birthday with Alec Baldwin's cousin. Ha.

I always forget that chocolate-covered caramel-filled churros from Flinders St make me feel sick everytime I eat them. But they're just so gooooood, dammit.

people: tina fey, people: darren hayes, life: melbourne, tv: private practice, movie: australia

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