(no subject)

Mar 16, 2008 22:45

This entry is completely random and I make no apologies for that. Or should I?

I came home from uni the other afternoon and found Dad watching the Parlimentary Question Time on TV. And I pissed myself laughing for the five minutes I watched it. The politicians were bickering and interrupting each other like little kids! And the Speaker was just sitting in his chair at the front rolling his eyes like an exasperated parent. He actually went, "Mr [name], please repeat your statement, because I couldn't hear you over the noise that the Opposition were making." It was the funniest thing. And this is coming from me, who hates politics.

Oh God, what's wrong with me? That's two Simple Plan songs they've released in a row that I actually like. WTF. (In my defence, Your Love Is A Lie sounds like a cross between Michelle Branch's Are You Happy Now, Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams and something recent from the Backstreet Boys.)

Oh, Hamish, Andy - if only you guys knew how much I love you. Although in hindsight, it's probably a good thing you don't know.

Eww, the weather this past week has been disgusting. The other day it was 40°C (104°F), the other days the high thirties. And I came to a revelation the other day that my room doesn't keep cool in summer/warm in winter because I have ceiling-to-floor windows on two sides of my room, plus it's on the second storey (and kids, we all know that heat rises). In fact, my entire house is like that with the windows. Which can look light and airy but as far as temperatures go, it's not very practical. Way to go when you were building the house, Dad.

The F1 Grand Prix was on today and I feel sorry for the suckers who chose to go. It reached up to 50°C (122°F) on the track. Instead I sat at home and watched Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride and had yet another debate in my head over which one I like better. And as muldy said, do you reckon unis would accept the heat as being a reason for an essay extension? There's just no way I've been able to concentrate.

Sandy Bullock in 1981 looks exactly the same as Sandy Bullock in 2008. Bless her, why must she be so awesome? ♥

Four movies I've got on my To-Do List for 2008: Baby Mama (DUH), Mamma Mia (omgcolinfirth), St Trinian's (omgcolinfirthagain) and Kung Fu Panda. Because apparently we haven't yet made animated animals undergo enough physical activity.

general life, people: hamish & andy, people: sandra bullock

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