I have to get this out. If no one reads it, whatever. But hey, this might be the last time I do this, so might as well make a party of it. (And when I say 'party', I mean of the Deathday, Nearly-Headless-Nick variety.)
Prison Break, 3x13, "The Art of the Deal"
1. This show frustrates me. However, in season 1, it was more of a ooh-let's-see-what-happens-next kind of frustration. Now in season 3, I'm screaming, "CAN'T THEY JUST CATCH A BREAK?!" No pun intended. I get that the whole show is about plot twists and dead ends, but don't make every character suffer. Let them get lucky sometimes. Let them be free if they deserve to be. LIKE SUCRE. WHAT HAS HE EVER DONE. This is when I want the series to end, because I feel like I can't take it anymore. But at the same time... *headdesk*
2. In a lighter note, I'm constantly amused how seemingly every Panamanian man and his dog can speak perfect English.
3. T-Bag suffocating Lechero. Ah, showing his true colours! I was getting a bit sick of his backseat menace this season.
4. Pretty much the only shining light in this episode: McGrady coming home. Of all the characters, only he and C-Note got happy endings. Bringing me back to point 1 above, I know it's unrealistic for all characters to have their stories tied up and they live happily ever after. I know. But it's still all too rare and that depresses me.
5. "Uncle Mike." I want to put in lots and lots of heart emoticons but that'd probably just be really annoying. So I'll only use one: ♥. But pretend there's lots more.
6. Okay, here we go. I'll admit I have only ever shed tears during one episode, and that was during 1x14 The Rat during Linc's final visitation. And it wasn't much as far as the waterworks go. (And almost, when Michael finds out about Sara. But not quite.) This episode made me cry twice. That flashback set me off. And his face. OH WENTWORTH, YOU BREAK ME.
7. And just to plagiarise
muldy: "Although you know the image of Michael being all alone heading off to kill Susan is kinda really hot." Except not. Michael is not a killer. Or else Sara will totally fly down from heaven and kick his arse. Yeah, you know it. But it was still hot.
8. "She better be able to handle a lot more than that. Because if she has done what you think she has... Sara. She's the weak link. And he will find her. And then Scofield will find you and me. And I'm not paying for your mess." SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A BIT OF ENLIGHTMENT HERE. *pulls at hair*
9. "I did everything I could - everything." "I know you did. But I gotta go." Cue for me to start crying again.
10. And that last montage; there's so many things going around in my head I don't even know where to begin. And I used to want it to end by Season 3. But that wasn't an end for me. I need a proper ending. It's either that or by the boat in Sona like for most people. ARGH.
Oh, and the rose and the gun? Is going to be the most overused cap now. ;)
Okay. Be quiet now, Cec.
I walked past Seth Green on Saturday night. I had no idea how freaking short he is. Like, really. And I have a feeling I saw Emily Browning then too; I was at a club of which I've heard her friends' group hangs out at. Was kind of dark though, so I'm not sure.
I bought orange Tic Tacs had nothing to do with Juno, I swear, and since when are Tic Tac boxes made of soft plastic? Like, the plastic which you can squeeze slightly between your fingers. TIC TACS ARE MEANT TO MAKE AN EARTH-SHATTERING RATTLE WHEN SHAKEN. Seriously, what's with it? (Obviously it's been a while since I've bought any.)
Teehee, Chris Vance is up for CLEO's Bachelor of the Year! Oh, swoonage. Jesse Spencer is also up for it. BUT TO BEAT ANDY LEE FROM LAST YEAR. THERE IS NO WAY.
There was a fascinating article about Andrew Upton in the paper on Sunday (that's Mr Cate Blanchett for those wondering, who is a playwright and director in his own right) and he said that Melbourne has a richer arts culture that Sydney needs to learn from. We don't get much of that sort of glory, so love to you, Andrew!
And finally, true to
xshorty24x's (and
smirky_turkey, so I'm told) self-declared "Bake And Break Day", I made a white chocolate mud cake with dark chocolate glazing. With leftover glaze. Hurrah!