(no subject)

Jan 06, 2008 14:56

Various points on modern-culture that is plaguing society:
- Hearing that Daniel Johns and Natalie Imbruglia are getting divorced makes me depressed. Another celebrity couple down the ever-growing drain, sigh.
- Amusing quote from Michael Vartan: "The same old political rhetoric you hear day in and day out on CNN, I'm going to say it because we're in Australia: shut the fuck up." And, oh, he wants to move here permanently. How sweet. You can stay at my house, 'kay? Goody!
- "Concert promoters in Australia have reportedly offered STG2 million ($A4.49 million) each to the five Spices as part of a deal to get them to perform in Sydney, Perth and Brisbane in March." (article: here) Um, excuse me? Why the fuck would they not come to Melbourne? We're only the music capital of Australia okay, maybe tied with Brisbane and the second-biggest city. It's mental. (Yes, I know all my other Aussies who live elsewhere are thinking, "There she goes, up on her high Melburnian horse again!", but SERIOUSLY. IT MAKES NO SENSE.)

I watched The Lake House last night - all muldy's fault - and was reminded about how completely sucky the DVD release was. Next to no extras, and the ones that were there were shithouse. But then I remembered all the subsequent Keanu and Sandy adorableness and, y'know, that's enough for me. RPF, eat your heart out! ;)

Speaking of movies, HOW FREAKING EXCITED AM I FOR AUSTRALIA? November is, like, ages away. I'm so, so excited for it. Baz Luhrmann + Nic + Hugh + um, my country = AKJSGDFKS.

Just posted the "500 eps in 2008/100 movies" meme thing because I'm a sheep. ;) Now you guys can see how much of a loser I am, ha! Sorry for the spam, though.

Happy birthday, lozzy and bittersweetmoon! Hope you both have the most wonderful of days. ♥

memes, music: the spice girls, movie: the lake house, movie: australia

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