It's All Over.

Jun 27, 2006 03:30

I just can't believe it. I literally have no idea what to say, which is a first for me.

I'm sitting here, holding my breath and willing myself not to cry, but it's hard. To have a penalty in the last few seconds - a penalty that shouldn't have even been called - is just the cruelest way to go. That referee... I mean, I have a major issue with these World Cup refs. Just look at my last post. Materazzi of Italy should not have gotten a red card, and that last penalty was complete injustice. You can't give a penalty if the guy wasn't attacking the player! He was lying on the bloody ground, for God's sake!

But it's over now. I seriously thought I was having a bad dream, but I'm not. I know this post doesn't make a lot of sense, and I apologise for putting you through this waste of space of an entry, but I'm just stunned. Nevertheless, I have to be grateful we made it this far into the tournament when no one thought we could, and good luck to the rest of your countries!

It's 3:30am (bloody international timezones) and I'm going to bed. I won't sleep, though. But I'll try.

general life, life: soccer

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