Title: Perpetual Wishes
Characters: Michael/Sara, Frank Tancredi (kind of) and a little mini-person of sorts.
Rating: G
Category: Drabble, gen, future!fic.
Length: 100 words
Author's Note: Was pressured tagged for the
Daddy Drabbles Challenge... and somehow actually stuck to 100 words. Shock horror.
She woke up and knew there would be no delivery to her door; no courier, no flowers. While she’d always felt sour at the sight of the annual bouquet, since he’d been gone, she admittedly missed it.
Little footsteps thundered down the hall and the door burst open.
“Mommy, these are for you.” A handful of folded red paper on green pipecleaners was pushed under her nose.
She smiled. “Thank you.”
“Daddy taught me how to make them.”
She glanced up at the lanky figure hovering in the doorway.
“Happy birthday,” he added softly, and that was all she needed.