(no subject)

May 06, 2011 16:51

Oops. So I have to admit that I meant to post days ago, back when things were newer and more ~current. (Wow, we're now in the age where things are "old" after a few days. No wonder I feel tired.) But I didn't quite get around to it, and so bear with me with this ULTRA OLD STUFF, otherwise known as "things that happened in the last week and it is now Friday".

What an eventful weekend: some wedding happened, some TV awards show happened, and then some raid in Pakistan happened. Newspapers must have been loving it!

Oh, sorry, the TV awards thing applies only to Australia. Last Sunday night was the Logies - like our version of the Emmys, except less credible because half the winners are voted by the teenybopper public who buy a crap magazine. I always have a great mix of fascination/loathing for the night, because I can't stand that half our most "prestigious" TV awards are voted for by lowbrow idiots. But I also love the celebration of our industry. And I'm greatly heartened that NOT ONE PERSON FROM HOME AND AWAY OR NEIGHBOURS WON THIS YEAR. THIS IS A VICTORY. (Karl Stefanovic winning gold is beyond a joke, but that's a rant no one wants to hear. Two words: ADAM. HILLS.)

Wow, Katy Perry does not perform live very well.
Jessie J, however, was awesome. ♥ at the actors dancing and singing along! I still think Jessica Marais'd had a few, ha ha. I know this apparently happens at the Golden Globes, but I love that at the Logies everyone basically gets drunk and happy. It's hilarious.
Awww, Megan and Andy love. Seriously, how have they broken up, I can't even.
Asher Keddie! She looked amazing.
RACHEL GRIFFITHS! Was she hinting that Brothers & Sisters is going to be axed?
Love how ABC and SBS still got some awards.
...and that would be all.

You know the best thing about international events, good or bad? The treasure trove of meme-giffy goodness that comes out of it. After bin Laden, there have been some pages created that are absolute GOLD. "On a scale from Anne Frank to Osama Bin Laden, how good was my hiding spot?", "Hi, I'm Osama Bin Laden, and Windows 7 was my idea", "A prince gets married, the bad guy is dead. It's a real Disney weekend.", "Osama Bin Laden: World Hide & Seek Champion 1987-2011", etc. etc. BRILLIANT. Or Grace van Custem, the Frowning Flowergirl. Which I find amusing in the way the image is used, not because she's a young child. Clear difference.) Find the humour in everything, I say. (Well, most things.)

I've been meaning to rant about this for a while, but now that the movie is being released this week, it's probably a good time. Has anyone here read Something Borrowed and the follow-up-slash-companion-book, Something Blue? I absolutely loved them - the second one more so actually, but beside the point. But I can't stand the thought of the movie. Especially with Kate Hudson, who turns everything into fluffy crap. According to the trailer, they've made it into a typical rom-com and I'm furious, because whilst the books were considered chick-lit, there was quite a bit of angst, regret, deviousness, etc. and the movie probably has none of it. The way that the characters are built in the book is layered so you actually understand Darcy. Kate Hudson will give her no layering whatsoever. ARGH, I HATE MOVIE ADAPTATIONS THAT AREN'T THE ONES IN MY HEAD. DO NOT WANT.

I received an email from Ticketmaster today that Dylan Moran is playing a show in Melbourne at the end of July! Mothereffin' YES, just waiting to see when the Brisbane shows are announced. (He has to come to Brisbane, okay?) Pleasewithacherryontop.

A friend of The Boy is Facebook friends with a player from my football team, and has his privacy set to "friends of friends". So The Boy and I spent about an hour Facebook stalking all the Blues boys' profile pictures, and some from other clubs too. Awesome fun. (Speaking of, go the Blue boys against the Saints... sorry scribblecat!)

Ooh, we just got an iPad2 delivered! (The Boy's Macbook died after about five years of usage, and it's cheaper to get an iPad than a laptop.) Fun experimental times!

Off to walk puppy now, poor thing is restless. (WOW I REALLY NEED TO UPDATE MORE OFTEN SO MY ENTRIES AREN'T THIS LONG.)

movie: something borrowed, tv: logies, life: world events, people: dylan moran, life: afl

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