(no subject)

Apr 18, 2011 22:07

[No little picture icons today, lovlies, I'm not on my computer and have no idea what the URL is.]

1. So I'm in Melbourne again for Easter. My perfect weather so far: 23°C/73°F and sunny. (A bit cloudy tomorrow but ah well.) Have added to my comedy festival total by seeing Sammy J & Randy (LOVE) and Hannah Gadsby (BRILLIANT). Charlie Pickering tomorrow night and Alan Brough on Thursday. Lygon St for lunch today and San Churro for late dessert last night and yeah, not only will I probably put on some chub but my wallet is also depressingly empty. And muldy will testify that the footy match on Saturday was horrendously tense and awesome and really annoying that it ended in a draw.

2. A girl I went to school with got married yesterday. WHYYYYYY. Seriously, I'm all for people being happy but WHAT'S THE FREAKING RUSH. (We're 23, jsyk. Which I know isn't that young but it's young enough. There's no way I'm getting married for another five years at least.) Mind you, my year level had 350 and only two have gotten married that I know of, so it's not that bad. But still, I can't comprehend it. Also, feel free to disagree with me but if you haven't yet reached that stage of your life where you're working full-time and can be financially independent, don't do it. Because living with your now-husband's parents because you haven't finished uni and don't have any money of your own yet (no matter how rich the bride's parents are) will not make a happy marriage. Just saying.

3. Oh, shite, I just remembered I forgot to set the recorder for the second part of Paper Giants. Did anyone watch the first part last night? HOW GOOD WAS IT.

4. I also really enjoyed 30 Rock this week.

5. I finally got around to joining up to my local library last week, a year after moving to the Gold Coast, and my name is spelt wrong on my card. I won't bother complaining, but honestly, people can be stupid. My name is on the form. Right in your hand. You can copy it exactly, thank you very much. (This happens with email replies all the time as well. I SIGN MY NAME OFF. YOU THEN SPELL IT WRONG. IT'S NOT THAT DIFFICULT.)

This is a ranty post, isn't it? I'm not even grumpy! Sorry. A quick meme to end on a positive note:

Comment if you want to do this meme, and I'll give you a colour that I think represents you, and then you list ten things you like in that colour or ten things it reminds you of! You don't need to include pictures.

gemmi-joo gave me RED!

1. Maltesers (my first thought it chocolate, what a surprise)
2. Poppies
3. My first (very shit) car
4. The Boy's (much nicer) car
5. Strawberries
6. A football
7. Warmth
8. Tomato sauce on a Four 'n Twenty pie
9. My house colour in Year 7 & 8
10. Addison Montgomery's awesome hair

That's me done, over and out!

life: comedy festival, life: melbourne, memes, life: afl

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