(no subject)

Mar 24, 2011 15:44

hiatus. again.

Going to Melbourne tomorrow for a week. I've been really bad at keeping up with LJ this past week, it's been crazytimes. I have all these entries bookmarked to go and comment on but I'm really running out of time so I probably can't get to them - CAN YOU FEEL MY GUILT OOZING OUT MY PORES? Feel it, flist, because you are important and deserve better treatment by me. I'M SORRY.

I'm in my Sound of Music phase again. (Can a phase stay with with you for life, just in varying degrees of power? If so, it's a phase. 'Phase' seems to downplay it, however. But I digress.) I used to watch that movie every weekend. Or at least every few weeks. In moving and everything else, I hadn't watched it in 18 months (THE HORROR!) and finally got to on Saturday night. And sang every lyric of every song. Oh lordy, ever since I've just wanted to watch it again and again. How did I go for 18 months without watching it? I don't know, guys, I really don't. It's my crack.

Anyway, see you in a week, lovelies! Take care. ♥

life: comedy festival, life: melbourne, movie: sound of music

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