(no subject)

Feb 25, 2011 20:51

Now I'm averaging two posts a month, go me! (Note the sarcasm.) On the bright side, you don't have to put up with pointless entries from yours truly. Speaking of pointless entries, here we go!

I was talking to my (new) dance teacher yesterday and he comes from Christchurch and he was so sombre, it made me sad. He was saying how he couldn't get hold of his aunty for two days after the earthquake because she hates technology and only has a landline, and since the phone lines were cut, they couldn't check with her. Also how it's eerie to see the cathedral, which is the centrepoint of Christchurch (look at its name, forchrissake), not quite there anymore. I'm so sick of natural disasters; first the floods, then a cyclone, now this - I know, NZ is a different country but they're like our little sibling that we look out for and tease for their sheep and accents.

...Depressing, pointless entry thus far. Let's fix that.

I haven't watched 30 Rock yet because I'm waiting for The Boy to finish watching the footy (Collingwood will win anyway, what's the freaking point). I could sneakily watch it by myself right now, but I feel bad. WATCH THIS RESTRAINT PEOPLE, WATCH IT SOAR.

I hung out with two footy players on Wednesday night, it was awesome. Okay, story: the Gold Coast, where I live, is getting their very own AFL team this year which is SUPER SUPER EXCITING. I will always be a Carlton girl inside, but I'm adopting the GC as my second team. So The Boy's family went about buying memberships with another family so we could all sit together at games, and then invited more families along, and some more - so we ended up forming a group that now consists of 70 people. So we gave ourselves a name and got in touch with the club's administration, AND NOW WE ARE A FULL ON SUPPORTER GROUP. And so we had our very first supporter group function, and invited some club people along now that we're ~legit, and the CEO came, and an assistant coach, and the sponsorship guy, and two players: Jarrod Harbrow (formerly of the Western Bulldogs) and Charlie Dixon who was the very first player they signed. Jarrod was super-quiet, but Charlie was an absolute sweetheart. And very, very tall. (200cm/6'5.) OMG I'M MIXING WITH AFL PLAYERS HOW IS THIS HAPPENING.

I accidentally overcooked some brownies the other day (note: I've been baking cakes without fault since I was eight, these things do not happen to me, and I was very disappointed in myself) but now crumble them into ice cream with homemade chocolate sauce. It's really bad. But really good.

I NEED TO SPRINGSUMMERCLEAN MY COMPUTER. I realised this when my 145GB drive where I store all my TV and movies ran out of space, and then my 73GB drive with all my documents, photos and music did too.* I know, I don't need episodes on TV that I already have on DVD, BUT IT'S SO CONVENIENT. I can't be bothered walking into the next room, getting the case out, putting the DVD in and waiting for it to play. LIFE IS TOUGH IN THIS WAY, Y'ALL. (I kid. But still.) I know I have shit on my computer, but I can't bear to chuck it. Please tell me I'm not the only one with this conundrum?

* It's okay, I still have two more 75GB drives to fill, but that's not the point. I'll ruin my organisation!

Nelly and Kelly were recently filming their new video, hurrah! I've been looking forward to it, and I don't even bother watching videos 95% of the time. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S BEEN ALMOST A DECADE SINCE DILEMMA. Seriously, wtf. What were you doing when Dilemma came out? Me, I was in Year 9. Little, teenage angsty not really, naive me. It so doesn't seem that long ago. On another music video note: apart from the irritating product placement, I freaking love Hold It Against Me. I think because she fights herself and there's colourful paint and glimpses of teenage!Brit. I'm easy to please like that.

Ooh, I think the footy's finished now. 30 Rock and ice cream, here I come!

P.S. Pointless entry is still pointless. I'm sorry, guys, it's a Friday night.

music: misc, music: britney, tv: 30 rock, life: afl, life: gold coast

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