(no subject)

Jan 22, 2011 09:55

Help Australia & Brazil. I caught up with gemmi-joo the other day and want to publicly acknowledge how awesome she is by spending days cleaning thick, contaminated mud off strangers' homes in the flood clean-up. She was tired, poor bb.

I forget that in January, 70% of my time is taken up by watching the tennis. I've realised that during the Australian Open I'll follow it religiously, read the articles, update myself when I'm out with the scores (thanks, free iPhone app). The rest of the year? I don't even realise the Wimbledon/French/US Opens are on until it's the final. Faaaaail. BUT I LOVE ME SOME SUMMER TENNIS. Go Stosur! (Or Clijsters.) Except pleasepleaseplease stop hiring Jim Courier to commentate. NO ONE LIKES HIM. At least Henri Leconte is entertaining, kthx.

Had you told me a year ago that one day I would say "I can't wait to watch Oprah, FOUR NIGHTS IN A ROW" I would have declared you insaaaaane. I've never watched a full episode of her show, and don't really care about how much money she's giving to schools etc. etc. But I'm ashamed (or not?) to admit I GOT SUCKED IN WHEN SHE CAME TO AUSTRALIA. And the complete over-the-topness of everything makes me cringe, as does all these mispronunciations and stereotypes. But whatever, it's a freaking amazing tourism campaign la la la. We had to go out to dinner last night though, so I missed the third episode. Hmmm, must find download somewhere.

Work goes back next week (well, technically it did last Wednesday, but more this week) and I'm kinda dreading it. Which is normal, I know, but this is my own business. So I shouldn't dread it. I just can't deal with the shit and the constantconstant worrying over other people's shit. Mothers are the most vague people EVER to deal with. You're always the afterthought with them, and it puts me out each and every week. /rant

Thank Christ Miranda Kerr gave her son a normal name. That can't be said about you, KidmanUrban camp (I'm sorry, but no Australian would call their child Faith. Polarising opinion? Sorry 'bout that, still love ya). CHRIS JUDD IF YOU CALL YOUR UNBORN CHILD SOMETHING ODD I WILL HAVE TO ERASE A POINT FOR REASONS WHY YOU'RE AWESOME.

Came across the 2001 locally-made film Better Than Sex which I've been wanting to watch for years due to Catherine McClements and David Wenham being in the same movie. IT WAS AWESOME. Hilariously written and so fantastically directed. If any Australians see a copy, grab it. Just don't watch it with your parents, because that could be slightly awkward.

30 Rock came back last night, thaaaaaaank you baby jesus.

30 Rock, 5x11 "Mrs Donaghy"

1. Jenna and Danny storyline FTW. "But you're my Danny and Jenna!" Did anyone else try and play the "spot Jane's stomach" game? I really hate it when I know an actress is pregnant in something and then my eyes just drop to their stomach in every scene. IT'S DISTRACTING. Keeley Hawes in Death at a Funeral, I'm looking at you. (Lovingly looking, but looking nevertheless.)

2. "Whatever you say, dear." "Do not. Do. That." Bwahaha.

3. "I have the results of your physical. Tracy, you are going to die. You have no reflexes, your blood tastes like root beer and some of your bones appeared to have vanished." I love random!Dr Spaceman appearances.

4. "I have to talk to my husband." Did... anyone else's heart just pang a little?

5. "Did you draw that? You might need help. That's awful for an adult." ilu, Janet Baloney.


7. OKAY OKAY THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO TALK ABOUT. That scene in Jeffrey Weinerslav's office I could watch over and over. I feel that any Jack/Liz episodes tend to fall into the the "Ha ha we are SO making fun of you shippers, you pathetic people you" category, or the "If you pick up on that, you're reading into this waaaaay too much" category. This one was kind of both. The blatant obviousness of the Jack/Liz stuff ("You two have always thrown out the will-they-or-won't-they vibe and it's been a real hoot to watch your courtship") is always enjoyable even if it's glaring at me in the face, but seriously, YOU JUST WROTE HOW THEY ARE THEY ARE DESTINED TO BE BFFs.

On the downside, I always feel like there's a little subtitle underneath explaining that they are being reeeeeally careful to write it so it's clear Jack and Liz are not "meant to be" anything other than the best BFFs ever. Which I already know, realistically. PICKING UP ON TINY SHIPPY THINGS, HOWEVER, MAKES WATCHING FUN. MY HEART TRIES TO HUG MY BRAIN AND I LIKE THAT.

Still. Ilu Liz and Jack for bringing me so much joy. Arm holding! Bickering! Revenge games! And... all those reasons Jeffrey gave. Which we already know, so we didn't really need a "here's a list, check it twice" spiel. But y'know. It's fact. I wish I had a BFF like that.

I don't know what my point was here. I loved it, despite the nail being hammered into the coffin a tiny bit more. And hey, you can call them ex-spouse now, that's kind of hilariously odd.

I love that when we finished watching it last night, The Boy goes, "Can we watch it again?". I was the adult, however, and said no because it was 12:20am. We'll watch it again this morning though! Hurrah!

P.S. I would probably watch an episode of Queen of Jordan and then turn it off because my brain hurts. I can only stand those shows for so long. Toddlers & Tiaras is an exception.


Whoops, I just realised I was so engrossed in doing this that I forgot to have breakfast. No wonder my tum's protesting.

life: general, life: tennis, people: catherine mcclements, tv: 30 rock, people: david wenham

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