(no subject)

Aug 02, 2010 17:26

HERE'S A POST! I did not mean to be absent for a month (wtf) but circumstances, you rule me. As I mentioned before, I went to Melbourne, then had my girlfriends up for a week, and have not had internet for a week because, oops, we might have gone over the limit again. (We're going to fix it now, I think hope.)

So in the meantime, I got heaps done. Like watch season 4 of 30 Rock again. And... buggery, not much else? Here I was, thinking I was actually being productive, BUT NO.

WHATEVER. Onwards we go! Can I give you a summary of life in bullet points? (I like bullet points. They're snappy, take less effort to type, and probably less effort to read. Win on all counts, right?) Kthx!

Oh, look, I'll even break them down into categories! My organisation skills are mad.

1. Being in the audience of Hey Hey It's Saturday was so much fun, omg. (FYI, Hey Hey is like an Australian television institution. Like SNL. Except it's a variety show, not sketch comedy, but similarly iconic.) The Boy is family friends with the sound guy, who came out and met us when we were lined up to go into the studio. He was like, "Hmm, let's see what I can do for you guys" and told the usher woman to take care of us, so she led us through first AND WE WERE SITTING IN THE FRONT ROW RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE. Which meant apparently we were on TV quite a bit - could have done without that though, ha ha. And we met John Blackman, who is super nice, and OMG LAVINIA IS SO GORGEOUS. And dances to the music acts in the wings and is adorable.

2. ABBAWORLD, OMG. Please, if you're in Melbourne, do yourself a favour and go. We spent two hours in there and it was so much fun. THERE IS SO MUCH STUFF. Apparently our rendition of "Honey Honey" sucked, and we scored 31%. (We might have been giggling through the whole thing?) I really wanted to go to the Tim Burton and Titanic exhibitions but we ran out of time, so I'm hoping we can next time. This is the stuff that makes me miss Melbourne, sob.

3. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MARY POPPINS. We have tickets for October, hurrah!

1. The sun is setting later and later - summer must be coming! (Except that means humidity, and I am not friends with humidity. Oh well, I can deal.)

2. The house is about five weeks from being completed, hurrah! It's been a long time coming. I can't wait to see it in its finished state with all its furniture put in and compare it to what it looked like when the family first bought it. It's been decided, however, that The Boy and I will continue to live in the apartment - his parents have been away for six weeks in Europe and it's just so much more crowded with everyone squished in, so they'll move to the house themselves. But we'll go there on weekends - plus, it's only three minutes up the road, lolol.


1. I AM SOSOSO EXCITED FOR THE LIVE EPISODE OF 30 ROCK. I remember when Blue Heelers was doing their live episode all those years ago, that was fun.

2. I hate my football team at the moment. "Frustration" is an understatement. They are listless, not playing with any passion whatsoever, and do not deserve to make the finals this year. There, I said it. muldy, you are going to crush us this weekend. And rightly so.

3. I'm so sick of the election. Can we just have it already so we can stop seeing the ads all the time? (Also, ALP, what were you saying about "cutting down" on election advertising? EVERY SECOND AD IS AN ALP AD.) And I do not give a fuck about Gillard going to the footy on the weekend. SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THE BULLDOGS' SONG. The more this election goes on, the more I'm convinced that I will not be voting for Gillard. That's not to say I'm voting for Abbott - far from it - but more for the actual Coalition. I just can't trust anything that Labor says they will do, because they've done absolutely nothing in three years. (Plus, for a small business owner, voting Liberal would be better for me in the end.) ANYWAY.

4. So Sammy is leaving Packed to the Rafters. I like her, but I suppose there's not much else to do with her, so that's okay. Nathan is actually being a better person now, living with Ben and co. And omg, is it just me or has Rachel become really (too) skinny this season?

The kitty was particularly photographic yesterday. Poor thing had just come back from a three-day vet visit, because his kidneys weren't working. He seems to be okay now though.

And it was such a glorious, sunny Sunday yesterday with lots of boats out, so I took a photo from our balcony. Just because.

I think I've pretty much caught up with the flist now, albeit really quickly, but I promise that I'm going to be back a bit more now. Take care, my precious...es? (Yes, that totally works.)

general life, life: melbourne, life: gold coast

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