(no subject)

Jan 31, 2010 19:45


That's how many days it has taken for me to a) catch up on LJ and b) actually try to post something. A few days ago I was pulling my hair out going, "I literally think I have to give up on that site now, I just can't do it consistently anymore and I'm letting it down". But I'll persist!

Not that I have much to report on. Nothing that's particularly interesting, anyhow. Since November, we've moved into an apartment, then into the house, then back into the apartment whilst the house is being renovated, and then into the house once it's finished! After this, I don't want to see a box again for a good three years. I'm just missing actually living somewhere, you know? Not to be permanently in transit. I've been living out of plastic bags and suitcases. I miss my bookshelves with all my books and DVDs and ornaments. Oh well, I can't really complain, I'll just never take settling in somewhere for granted again!

As for everything else...

a) Like every January, tennis has consumed my life. Go Murray! I like Federer, don't get me wrong, but Murray has had so much effin' pressure on him, and it's not like Fed hasn't won fifteen Grand Slams beforehand. Hopefully is an awesome five-setter. And I'm sad for Henin, but considering she's only just made a comeback, she should be so proud of herself!

b) Speaking of, did anyone watch the Hit for Haiti special? OH MY GOD. I CRIED FROM LAUGHTER. Clijsters! Djokovic! Nadal! Federer! Hewitt! Roddick! Williams! Stosur! All on one court, all miked-up as they played; IT WAS EPIC. Tennis is one of those sports where the players genuinely like each other and can muck around like BFFs. Djokovic walking like girl or stuffing his towel down his pants was definitely a highlight, or Nadal being a linesperson, or Federer making up his own new grunt. And Serena Williams was just too busy laughing! Watch the clips, especially the first one! Edit: Meant to say, they should do a charity match at every Grand Slam. It would be so worthwhile.

Getting some crazy wind and rain from the northern cyclones. Haven't had weather like this since living in Hong Kong with the typhoons. (I love it, though.)

30 Rock seems to be the only TV show I'm actually keeping up with. I don't know what happened to Grey's or Private Practice, but whilst moving they've dropped off the radar. Desperate Housewives starts on TV here tomorrow night though. And Good News Week and Spicks and Specks, hurrah!

Old news, but It's Complicated continues to be massively awesome, second time round. Nancy Meyers pwns all, srsly. As is Sherlock Holmes (actually better the second time), and Invictus. Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman are just brilliant. Really want to see Precious, Up In The Air, Bran Nue Dae (!!!), Nine and The Blind Side. The last one is priority, I think. Sandy FTW!

Australia Day was lovely; spent it on the boat in a flotilla protest against the Government buying back some boaties' land with taxpayers money. Awesome weather, and got a tan. ;)

Found a dance studio of which the hip hop is pretty good; am yet to try their jazz/funk and contemporary, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 'Cause although it won't be like it was in Melbourne, I'm itching in my chair from the restlessness.

And... I swear I had more things to say after all this time. Jeepers.

BUT I'M GETTING BACK INTO THE SWING. And that counts, right? ;) Hope you've all been well (although I know some of you have had some down points, sadface) and I'll try to do this consistently! Now over to you. ;) ♥

movie: misc, general life, life: tennis, tv: 30 rock, life: gold coast

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