Jun 07, 2007 19:27
I don't have too much time to write, so I won't go into detail of the events of the last entry. Just quick updates:
-My grandparents are giving me a laptop for graduation! But not just any laptop- A Macbook 13 inch, 120gb with 40gb upgrade, college ready with the Student Package! Fuck yeah!
-I'm looking for a digital camera, and am SO LOST! (This is actually a pretty big deal for me...)
-My mom and I had a pretty long talk, and have sorted some things out. (Will elaborate more.)
-I am going out tonight with some of my friends from TX. I'm excited mostly because I know Cammi left for Europe on Tuesday and I won't have another awkward encounter. Haha.
-Camp planning went really well. We are going to use a lot of my ideas, and I think I'm going to have a lot of fun. I think it might turn out to be the most down-to-earth three weeks of might life. (God, I hope so!)
-I miss Atlanta, but I really needed a breather!