Discussing Religion

May 12, 2010 19:36

And friend of mine and I had a free period today, so we sat in her kitchen and read the newspaper. At one point she discovered a note about Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt). She read it and then turned to me (me being catholic) and asked me: "Why is Ascension Day 40 days after Eastern?" I answered: "Hmm, I don't know. That's what it says in the Bible."
"But why 40 days?"
"I don't know, I'm not thaaat into the Bible, you know."
"Yeah, but why 40 days? Why set it there? They don't even have proof for that!"
I didn't answer.
"Religion. They just say things but nobody knows for sure wether it were really 40 days or not." She rolled here eyes and shut the newspaper.

I still didn't answer. Because you can't discuss religion with her. She was raised agnostic and doesn't believe that there can be a god, seeing all the bad things in the world. But, conveniently, she believes in heaven.
That's not my problem, I think everyone can believe what he or she wants to believe. My problem with her is her way of approaching religion. I think it's okay to ask why things are how they are in a certain religion. But the point is: I think religion, and especially christianity, is meant metaphorically. I mean all the stories in the Bible. Even for me it's hard to believe that Jesus really turned water into wine and healed people just by touch - although that could well be some kind of psychological healing.
Back to the point: Seeing the Bible metaphorical means, that there is no need for exact dates, like 40 days or 12 apostles. So it is absolutely pointless to ask why it's 40 days to Ascension Day, because it's just a random number. With a symbolic character.

My problem is also, that I can't discuss with people who don't take religion as religion but as facts. I can't make them see it from the same level I do. And on different levels, you can't discuss properly. Frustrating.

I wouldn't mind that, if she didn't degrade my believe every time she mentions religion. That's just annoying. And she won't stop. Grrr.

Someday I'll be able to make her see my point of view. Someday. Until then...


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