Abitur may be a good thing, in the end, but right now I'm just tired of studying. French is not that bad, "just" vocabulary and background information on the topics - "Paris" and "revolts and rebellions in France" - but social studies is killing me. It's always the same. Gentrification here, gentrification there. Booooooring! To combine the two subjects: "J'en ai marre!" (Means: I've got enough of it) The problem is that I still don't know all the more or less important things by heart, so I still have 15 file cards left for studying. I tend to forget half of what's on them, which is - not that good.
But I found a nice programme that helps you train vocabulary and now I'm training my french... More or less. The only problem there is that I have a couple of words that have the exact same meaning and the programme (and I) can't tell them apart. Fun.
Because of all the boredom I'm not really that motivated or at least not half as motivated as would be good. I keep thinking "You should be studying, because otherwise you might regret it" but I can't bring myself to be very consequent. Even though I do study, it's not like I'm just sitting around all day doing nothing. Nevertheless I'd much rather read a book or watch a good episode of Babylon 5, Queer as Folk or the Mentalist. Grr.
I'll be so glad when this is over. Then there are 5 days in Paris and only 9 weeks of school left! :-D *happy* Later FedCon and theeeen my oral exams. Well. But I figure as soon as I have written all the exams I'm gonna start worrying what I did wrong...
And now I'm hungry. And I have ranted enough. I should get back to work but... I think I'll just stop for today. Well, after I've repeated the French "subjonctif"... Have a nice evening!