Jun 27, 2005 13:48
Midsummer was nice. My parents came on Friday and we went to J's parents. My aunt's family and J's brother & girlfriend were there too and the weather was lovely all day :) . We played games, ate (too much) and just talked. And celebrated my graduation and all the J's who had name day on Friday. And I still got nice presents although I somehow thought it was an old thing already (well it is, I got my MA papers over a month ago).
I always have this feeling before going on a holiday: I think I'll forget to take something with me I shouldn't forget... I already had the nightmare about that so I think I must be even more careful this time... We'll borrow suitcases from J's parents and go to Vantaa on Saturday and spend the night there in a hotel. We'll fly to Berlin on Sunday and travel to Chemnitz on Thursday. It's funny: we asked the people there if we should bring something special from Finland and they want us to bring 6 Finnish mustard tubes (yep, Turun Sinappi strong... no vihannes no maggara "Miksi äi hjeti sanoa?") and Finnish Euro coins (again!) ;) . Well, German mustard is a bit different than the Finnish one, but I never knew they liked it that much! And the German people still collect Euro coins from other countries. And are so obsessed with the thing :) ...
We should send the invitations this week. I already bought Moomin stamps for the envelopes. And we should also buy the mustard and some other things we'd like to take to Germany one day as well. No other plans for this week. Except for packing the things later.