
Jan 23, 2005 15:07

So.. I'm supposed to be studying for finals.

Pshh, this is wrong!

I am 37% White Trash.

The white trash in my blood will not keep me from becoming a doctor or a lawyer, but it will keep me from a good haircut and any sort of fashion sense.
Take the
White Trash Test
@ FualiDotCom

This is right, at least I don't stink!

I am 23% Hippie.

What? Am I a Republican? Why did I even bother taken this test?! I guess I’ll back to my George W. Bush fan club and tell them I just wasted 10 minutes of my life. At least I don’t stink, man.
Take the
Hippie Test
@ FualiDotCom

This other one had too many bad words to put up. I fainted.

Wow, this is SO me...

I am 75% Evil Genius.

I am pure evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will.
Take the
Evil Genius Test
@ FualiDotCom

Here's my memo to remember:

Subject: The HUNGRY IPODS in the LIVING ROOM and Other Business.
From: Mr. GREEN, MONSTER Supervisor
To: All Employees of FILTHY RAT Inc.

It has come to my WICKED attention that the LIVING ROOM has been QUICKLY SWUM OVER with HUNGRY IPODS. I am tired of dealing with RIGHTEOUS employees and their HUNGRY IPODS. The LIVING ROOM is meant for KILLING. It is not a LOAN room.

On a more THIRSTY note, I would like to WALK all of you for the BROWN work you all did on the BRIGHT GREEN NALGENE BOTTLE account. You should all be SWIFTLY RAN.

Also, be sure to welcome CASEY, the newest member of the TEACHER department. They will be a GROUND-UP POLICE MAN to our family.

Mr. GREEN, MONSTER Supervisor.

Hahah this one is so funny, MY FAIRYTALE, it's funny how some of the words I chose actually worked out:

Once upon a time there has a young TEACHER named ROBERT. He was SWIFTLY NOTHING in the GREEN forest when he met OBESE RICHARD, a run-away PRINCIPAL from the LOQUACIOUS Queen RACHEL.

ROBERT could see that OBESE RICHARD was hungry so he reached into his TUPPERWARE (SIZE 2) and give him his NEFARIOUS ITALIAN. OBESE RICHARD was thankful for ROBERT's ITALIAN, so he told ROBERT a very PUSILLANIMOUS story about Queen RACHEL's daughter OLIVIA. How her mother, the LOQUACIOUS Queen RACHEL, kept her locked away in a SKYSCRAPER protected by a gigantic GIRAFFE, because OLIVIA was so LETHARGIC.

ROBERT ATE. He vowed to OBESE RICHARD the PRINCIPAL that he would save the LETHARGIC OLIVIA. He would KILL the GIRAFFE, and take OLIVIA far away from her eveil mother, the LOQUACIOUS Queen RACHEL, and BE her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a FAT RAIN and OBESE RICHARD the PRINCIPAL began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic GIRAFFE from his story. LOQUACIOUS Queen RACHEL MADE out from behind a TEST TUBE and struck ROBERT dead. In the far off SKYSCRAPER you could hear a THUNDER.

Okay now I'm going to study. Maybe.
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