A List: Free book and ebook publishing software and resources

Nov 18, 2016 17:56

I’m teaching a workshop tonight at the Artisan’s Asylum, the awesome makerspace in Somerville, and thought I’d share this handout list here since then all the links can be live.

This is a list of all the free or open source bits of software and other things that I’ve used in my publishing ventures. I’ve also used a lot of expensive things like Adobe Photoshop, Quark Xpress, and so on. But not everyone has the money or the access to the high-priced programs, so part of my workshop is basically how you can do it all using free or very inexpensive options.
Book-making Software & Free Stuff You Will Need

Download a printable one-page version here: PDF

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    ebook revolution, general blather, ebooks, appearances

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