Which character should go on the next Magic U. book? Vote!

Mar 16, 2015 23:16

Okay, folks, with the release of The Incubus and the Angel (Book 3) forthcoming on April 8, it’s time to figure out who should go on the cover of book 4 in the Magic University Series: The Poet and the Prophecy.

A couple of things to consider:

This far the covers have shown:
Kyle: the main character of the whole series
Frost: Kyle’s main antagonist
Alex: Kyle’s best friend

Should we consider repeating Kyle, who is the main character of the whole series of course, to finish the set?

All the characters shown so far are male. I realize that masculinity and male sexual power are central themes of this series so I’m not against having all male characters appear, but the question of diversity is worth asking. Is it time for a female character?

Another thought is that we will also be doing the a new cover for the anthology of MU short stories, Spellbinding, so whoever doesn’t end up on this book could end up on that one. :-)

Comments welcome and please vote in the poll! Click to go to poll: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/5RF9FFY)
(The embedding of polls seems to not work on LJ)
Mirrored from blog.ceciliatan.com.

magic university, writing talk

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