The Prince’s Boy: do you want a sequel?

Jun 01, 2011 10:11

So, now that The Prince’s Boy is really and truly done with, all chapters and the epilogue are posted… of course I’m starting to think about a sequel.

I have bunches of ideas that have been nipping at my heels…

In the epilogue of course I set up one direction the sequel could go, with Kenet and Jorin (and who knows who else…) making the trip to Pellon to meet the Frangi delegation. I would love to set some chapters in Frangit itself, too, the land of mystery.

But tell me, dear readers, what would you love to see? What questions did I raise in TPB that you want answered? Who do you want to see more of? What stones did I leave unturned?

Comment in any of my journals or drop me an email at ctan.writer (at) gmail (dot) com.

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writing talk, the prince's boy

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