Mirrored from the latest entry in
Daron's Guitar Chronicles.
Well, we set a goal for Web Serial Writing Month to post 3 times a week, plus two liner notes posts, which would have been 16 total posts for the month. However thanks to reader donations triggering bonus posts, it was actually an 18 post month!
I hope everyone enjoyed all the plotty goodness. There’s a lot coming up now, too, with the Christmas show, Daron’s growing “to do” list, what’s going on with Digger, stuff still going on with Ziggy (of course). We’re going back to two posts a week now (Mondays,Thursday), with a third triggered anytime we hit the $25 plateau.
One thing I added in the
tip jar is the ability to set up regular donations via Paypal. Want to give $2 per month? $1 per week? There are buttons now that let you “set it and forget it.”
Thanks everyone for your support and all the comments this month! It’s been fun! And thanks to the folks at
Epiguide for organizing WeSeWriMo!