Bet my worst week beats yours.

Aug 12, 2010 07:25

Aug. 2 3:30 I'm driving back from Temple to get to work at 5:30 in Pflugerville. Well, on my way I get stopped by a temple police officer because I was going 58 in a 45 on an back road with no sign posted. This didn't phase me too much so I continue on my merry way. I realized I had forgotten my work clothes in Temple so when I got to work I would have to buy a new shirt and name tag a total of 20 big ones. Still not too big a deal. When I got into Pflugerville I hit a bit of traffic making me close to late, so I decide to let my boyfriend take my car and then pick me up whenever I get off. I suddenly have this horrible feeling like something awful was going to happen like a wreck or something. However, I ignored my feeling and continued.
I get to work and the first thing I'm confronted with is "Why are you not ready!?" here's where it gets good. I buy my items, change, and start my slow Monday. I ended up making $15 on a shift I picked up instead of spending more time with my father who recently got out of the hospital. I called my boyfriend to come pick me up waited about 15 minutes then called again, and again, and again. Finally, he answers "Umm babe... There's been an accident."
"Shit," I think my premonition has come true."What happened"
"Don't be mad there's nothing I could have done. I'm so sorry"
My car was towed and because I have liability insurance, and still making payments on my car might I add, my insurance paid for nothing except the towing expense. So my car is currently in the garage torn apart and I'm having to pay for all my parts out of pocket. My least favorite part was being talked to like some uneducated inferior being by the towing men. Luckily I have roommates who know about cars and they are helping out an immense ammount. And not to worry Mike (the boyfriend) is not injured and somehow I still love him and we are happily still together... he's done a lot of sucking up.
Just when I think things are getting the slightest bit better Aug. 7th I get a call from my brother, Armando, "Are you sitting down?"
"Oh god! Dad is gone. But why is my brother who lives all the way in Oregon calling me about dad? Oh no. What's going on?!" I'm worrying internally. "Yes, What's wrong?"
"Well, it's Andy, he died earlier today"
I didn't expect that at all. It's almost been a week now and I still don't believe it. How can someone in fairly good health who rode his bike 4 miles just hours earlier die. Who has a wife and child about to be in high school. How can God or whoever let this happen?
He was the coolest 53 year old man I've ever met. We just talked days ago. This is my oldest brother. He's not supposed to leave! I keep thinking he's going to walk through the door at any moment or call me and say "just kidding!" I want to wake up form this nightmare now. I'm tired of crying, I'm tired of being tired and sleepless, I just want to stop. I keep thinking to myself "everything happens for a reason" but it's getting harder and harder to believe. I'd give anything to go back about four months ago and never leave home. Maybe things would have turned out differently. Maybe I'd be miserable in Temple.
As I sit here at six in the morning, sleepless once again, writing my troubles away, I can only think that the only thing that makes sense is the sun will rise again, we'll grow older each day, things will die, and things will be born perhaps even reborn, and cars are just pieces of metal, and money doesn't matter, it's nice but it's not real.
We are here for a short journey and we are here to make the best of it. What "best" is I still have yet to find out.

Thanks for reading.
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