Apr 03, 2005 22:31
I am in the process of applying to the AIA in Miami. I'm not sure if that's REALLY where I'd like to be, but I'm interested and the AIA here doesn't offer anything fashion related. Matt in interested in going down there & Mindy (I used to work with her, love her to death and adore her family, she was like my 2nd mom) is moving to Boca over the summer so I would have her close by and that would be nice. If don't Miami, than at least somewhere else for a while. On another note, I have no earthly clue how I would pay for it.
Laurie, a stylist who worked at my old job and also my parent's next door neighbor, opened her own salon and suggested I get a barbers license since it only takes about nine months compared to three years of cosmetology school and come and work under her to learn all the color techniques. BUT alas, even though I may have been working in a salon for the past two years, I have no desire whatsoever to do hair. None.
I am so antsy.
Scratch that, I don't like the word antsy.