...in the trial against the Pirate Bay has become more and more apparent for every day.
IFPI's lawvyer Peter Danowsky and TPB's inofficial "spokesman" Peter Sunde:
P.D: "What is your education?"
P.S: "I am self-taught."
P.D: "Uhm... have you finished Upper Secondary School?"
P.S: "I quit Upper Secondary School."
P.D: "You quit Upper Secondary School... *silence* It strikes me that your English is so good. Where did you learn that?"
P.S: "The Internet."
Furthermore, the prosecutor and the copyright lobbyists seem
unable to grasp that The Pirate Bay is a loose cluster of people working independently.
There is no Blofeldt behind the scenes ruling the whole thing with an iron fist.
They are not organised and they don't get paid doing what they do.
They don't have proper educations and they don't play according to old rules and norms. They must be a bunch of hooligans! And that is pretty much how the old guard treats them, perhaps save for the prosecutor who actually is quite polite albeit confused at times.
I particularly liked the scene when IFPI's Peter Danowsky cross-examined Peter Sunde about some top list gathered from The Pirate Bay. He argued that it listed popular Hollywood movies and music, but Peter Sunde responded that music he himself had been involved in making had also appeared in the top lists.
P.D: *in a raw voice* "I suppose I will congratulate you then!"
A war of terminology is also going on:
Prosecutor Roswall: "When did you first meet IRL?"
Peter Sunde: "We don't use the 'IRL' expression, I can't really recall when. We use the expression 'AFK'."
More fun is on the way.