Last night I got to leave work at 5:00. It was shocking. I was giddy with what I would do with all that free time (like, 5 HOURS of time at home on a week night). I baked some tofu for lunches for the week and then made the puff pastries I'd intended to make as an appetizer for Easter dinner at Alex's parents' house.
Red Potato and Leek Puff Pastries
As you can see, they were delicious. Don't they look delicious? I ate 4 of them as "dinner" - in addition to the left over ham and excess filling that I ate while they were baking. Urgh.
I woke up this morning feeling overfull and gross. I decided to give myself a 'courtesy deferral' on the weigh in this morning. I'll weigh in tomorrow. It's worth noting that while I was working SO much last week I took the "eat to survive" approach to the task. As in, I wasn't getting enough sleep, I was still running, and I was determined to not get sick. So, I ate. A lot.
Today's run was 5 miles. I got out at around 7:10. I'm still really exhausted from last week and it was just SO hard to get out of bed!! I ran down and around downtown and passed a coworker heading into work (she didn't see me). Man it was foggy. I wore my shiny new headlight on safety mode which means that I had a flashing white light on my forehead. I didn't have any issues with cars zooming out of the mist and running me over, so it must've held them at bay. The left hamstring is better, thanks to the break and stretching on Sunday. Not perfect. The right side of my back was a little unhappy, and my stomach was even more unhappy about 30 minutes in. Also, the wind was blowing IN EVERY DIRECTION. Seriously. I was running up Cass into the wind that I could hardly push against, and then next thing you know, I can feel a gust behind me. I had not turned a corner. Weird.
So, taking all of THAT into account, wouldn't you know I was thrilled to discover my average pace for the run was 10:45/mile. I wasn't actually thrilled, since I've run the route in ~52 minutes before. I looked down at my watch to see 53:13 and though "oh, darn". Even though this was CLEARLY under the 55 minutes one would expect for an 11 min/mile run. It would seem that my performance has improved enough that my threshold for being happy has moved. Damnit. I guess.