SSHG - likes/dislikes for exchange purposes

Jun 06, 2012 00:33

I love stories that stay in the magical worlds, not moving outside into Muggle territory too much. Some new magic would be wonderful. I love stories of discovery, slowly getting to know a person beyond the intentionally revealed.

I like gentleness and kindness, humor and sharp-tongued banter. All with a background of 'I really do see you, and I care for you.'
I can deal with darker, heavier stories as long as they do wonderful things with language and end on a happy, hopeful note. I love stories where someone truly sees value in Snape, even if Snape at first has a hard time believing that this could be so.

But you can't ever do wrong with a gently-funny romance with a happy end.

Also feel free to run with the art promps for fic if they they inspire you.

What I don't like:
PWP, anything kinky or squicky, non-con. I like romance, not smuttiness - a PG13 or under rating would be appreciated. I also don't like to see Snape humiliated - so please leave him his dignity. I don't like cheating and adultery. Oh, and I don't like teacher-student. So I prefer stories where Hermione is a self-sufficient adult (post Hogwarts.)
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