The SCHIP Bill and Illegal Immigration

Aug 12, 2007 17:03

What does it propose?....

That all illegal immigrants age 0-25 will be granted FREE health insurance.

See people can't get the right definition of ILLEGAL right. It's (well what do you know) I-L-L-E-G-A-L! And when the fuck do non-citizens get FREE healthcare?? That doesn't even make fucking sense.

This will force our government to pay for all of these illegal immigrants healthcare. Government = YOU.

Who does this bill affect?.....

Anyone who WORKS. If you work and pay taxes this will affect YOU. If this bill is passed, YOUR tax dollars will be going to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. WTF? If this goes through say hello to socialism America, and hello more illegals.

How do you stop it???....

Right now the bill will be going to conference. This means that both the house and senate did pass it but in different they must agree on wording. Bush has said he will veto it for sure but who knows. YOU still need to write YOUR congressman/woman about this. Just tell them that you are against it. You can find who your congress-people are here:

House of Rep:

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