s.me log

Nov 26, 2013 23:11

Starter Pack: yoona04, yoona20, yoona17, minho20, ps-perfectionrepack20, changmin14, mv-chu12, ps-comingstep07, ps-thefirst05, tao18, ps-comingstep05, sc-aotpub05, mv-hello08, boa20, boa17 (15)
cat like reflexes: ps-misshaaura08, ps-perfectionrepack10, kry11 (18)
oops!!!: changmin03, sc-letshaptic20, ps-holidaych115, +100 balloons (21)tiff tac toe: yoona08, ps-holidaych114, ps-thefirst06 +200 balloons (24)
fashion terrorist: yoona02 (25)
where's wald.o?: yoona18, ps-misshaaura04, kry03, tao08 +200 balloons (29)
double trouble: mv-noother02, ps-holidaych115 +100 balloons (31)
laundry day: changmin01, siwon08 (33)
kai bawi bo: ps-comingstep05, ps-thefirst02 (35)
help desk: changmin11 (36)
donation rewards: sc-letshaptic18, siwon08, yoona01 (39)

double trouble: kry02, siwon04 (for yoona01, siwon08) (39)
deck mastery: mv-14316, minho15, mv-supergirl08
spot the difference (6): jessica11, ps-wolfpolaroids02 (41)
spot the difference (5): sc-artfilm12, changmin16, mv-supergirl01 (44)
spot the difference (1): mv-hello11, zhangliyin13, sc-letshaptic06, boa11 (48)
spot the difference (4): zhangliyin03, sunny07, mv-chu02, sc-aotpub10, mv-14316 (53)
spot the difference (8): ps-growlpolaroids06, jessica14, baekhyun15 (56)
spot the difference (7): ps-growlpolaroids13, siwon17, mv-wrongnumber18, suho17 (60)
spot the difference (3): mv-wrongnumber07, mv-twinkle17, ps-comingstep07, mv-chu19, siwon06 (65)
spot the difference (2): mv-balloons11, mv-hello04, sc-artfilm18 (68)
weekend wordsearch: ps-ohboyvol3007, ps-growlpolaroids09, ps-growlpolaroids16, ps-misshaaura04, baekhyun05 +300 balloons (73)
nov30-dec6 freebies: lay04, ps-holidaych120, mv-chu06, mv-balloons13, sc-letshaptic09, sc-artfilm14 (79)
Saturday update: jessica deck donation choice: jessica01, others: jessica10, krystal14, mv-balloons16, mv-twinkle02, lay15, baekhyun12, mv-wrongnumber20, sc-artfilm01, sunny04, zangliyin12, ps-sorrysorry05, suho20 (92)
help desk: suho07, mv-14315 (94)
donation rewards: sunny02, mv-balloons06, tao06 (97)
donation rewards: mv-hello01, tao17, baekhyun11 (100)
donation rewards: zhangliyin15, mv-twinkle03, zhangliyin09 (103)
donation rewards: lay08, mv-noother07, kangin10 (106)
stampcard: yoona16, kry09, sc-letshaptic20, mv-hello01, ls-heart (110)
rank up: lay11, ps-growlpolaroids20, ps-wolfpolaroids14, krystal04, ps-comingstep03
cardmaster: sunny04, zangliyin15: ps-ohboyvol3004, ps-ohboyvol3009, jessica19
tell me your wish: tao16, lay08
cat like reflexes: ps-perfectionrepack16, zhangliyin15
choc-oh no!: sc-artfilm11, minho12, +100 balloons
kriscasso: mv-balloons17, sc-letshaptic19, mv-wrongnumber06, +100 balloons
oops!!!: ps-comingstep09, ps-wolfpolaroids05, kangin03, +100 balloons
double trouble : mv-hello01, sc-letshaptic20, ps-misshaaura04, krystal 04 for sc-aotpub01, mv-hello08, sc-artfilm19, lay04
coordi noona no-no: zhangliyin02, mv-twinkle04, minho14, ps-holidaych113
cardmaster: Trade Overview: Your sunny07, mv-hello08, ps-comingstep05, ps-comingstep07 for my ps-holidaych104, ps-holidaych105, boa19, mv-twinkle16, mv-chu01
freebies: kangta14, sunny09, amber20, sehun03, kangta20, ps-wolfpolaroids06
weekend wordsearch: mv-chu01, ps-thefirst12, mv-14320, ps-growlpolaroids04, sc-helloschoolgirl19 +300 balloons
spot the difference (3): siwon06, tvxq18
spot the difference (1): tvxq11, tvxq19, kangin13
spot the difference (2): jessica08, krystal01, tvxq06
spot the difference (6): ps-sorrysorry19, baekhyun17
spot the difference (5): kris17, ps-holidaych110, sc-letshaptic12
spot the difference (4): mv-14311, sunny12
spot the difference (7): jmin19, ps-thefirst20, jessica19, lay04
tiff tac toe: mv-ohmygoddess20, jmin06, ps-thefirst01 +200 balloons
deck donations: amber01, kangta01
new decks: amber10, kangta05, kris18, luhan07, kyuhyun08, tvxq09
tell me your wish: g- sc-helloschoolgirl01
i- jessica06 r- krystal02 l- ps-ohboyvol3008 s- jessica15 g- kangta02 e- amber02 n- yoona03 e- amber03 r- krystal03 a- kangta03 t- mv-twinkle01 i- mv-twinkle05 o-  yoona05 n- sunny01
tell me your wish: sc-helloschoolgirl14, ps-wolfpolaroids18
stampcard: kry04, yoona01, sc-helloschoolgirl13, amber07, ls-tvxq
kai bawi bo: luhan19, suho12, kris16, sc-aotpub15
deck mastery: ps-wolfpolaroids13, mv-replayjv17, ps-growlpolaroids20
double trouble: swapped mv-chu01, lay04, lay04, jessica08, jessica19, siwon06 for minho18, kris10, ps-comingstep03, kangta16, krystal18, lay12
deck mastery: amber09, suho01, krystal12, tvxq10, mv-ohmygoddess12, mv-chu03
everysing shop (five random artist cards): tvxq19, suho05, kris14, jmin01, tvxq02, -400 balloons
everysing shop (five random artist cards): amber09, taemin05, changmin13, tao03, changmin14, -400 balloons
everysing shop (five random music video cards): mv-balloons03, mv-ohmygoddess08, mv-balloons17, mv-wrongnumber10, mv-replayjv10, -400 balloons
magnae madness: yoona01, sc-letshaptic18, ps-thefirst18, amber13, +100 balloons
laundry day: ps-growlpolaroids12, mv-hello14
double trouble (game): mv-14304, taemin03, kangta11, mv-chu09 +100 balloons
everysing shop (heart lightstick choice cards): jessica18, mv-chu13, -1 ls-heart
deck mastery: ps-wolfpolaroids03, kry19, ps-sorrysorry08, ps-holidaych115, mv-wrongnumber09, krystal08
stampcard: ps-thefirst20, boa05, mv-twinkle18, ps-comingstep02, ls-exo
double trouble:traded in yoona01, krystal12, tvxq19, amber09, sc-balloons17, ps-holidaych115, ps-thefirst20 for kyuhyun05, sc-letshaptic18, baekhyun08, ps-growlpolaroids06, amber20, mv-supergirl19, kyuhyun15
deck mastery: mv-twinkle07, siwon15, mv-noother13, mv-wrongnumber17, luhan07, krystal20
rank up: ps-comingstep02, tao09, ps-ellegirljuly201208, ps-thefirst07, ps-1stlookvol2015, krystal17, +300 balloons
donation rewards: krystal19, sehun10, ps-growlpolaroids09
donation rewards: tao08, ps-perfectionrepack09, zhangliyin17
donation rewards: kry18, luhan03, yoona11
freebies: hyoyeon11, ps-nuabo19, amber19, ps-nuabo18, mv-onemorechance17, sc-aotpub17, mv-wrongnumber18, mv-wrongnumber04, sc-letshaptic06, mv-ohmygoddess09, mv-ohmygoddess06, luhan20
New decks: hyoyeon10, mv-onemorechance18, ps-ellegirljuly201210, ps-nuabo09, thegrace20, victoria10
deck donations: hyoyeon02, mv-onemorechance10, the grace01
tiff tac toe: mv-supergirl08, sc-helloschoolgirl13, sc-aotpub13 +200 balloons
tiff tac toe: sc-aotpub20, amber09, tvxq03 +200 balloons
spot the difference (4): minho10, mv-everybody17, kry18 spot the difference (4): mv-twinkle03, mv-onemorechance02, suho13
spot the difference (2): sc-letshaptic16, luhan16, sc-letshaptic13, ps-1stlookvol2007 spot the difference (2): mv-hello18, ps-growlpolaroids20, sc-artfilm20, kangta14
spot the difference (3): mv-everybody01, ps-nuabo17, sc-artfilm18 spot the difference (3): mv-twinkle05, luhan04, krystal13
spot the difference (5): ps-thefirst14, baekhyun11 spot the difference (5): minho19, mv-cookingcooking02
spot the difference (6): ps-comingstep04, mv-onemorechance07 spot the difference (6): suho17, boa14
spot the difference (7): zhangliyin17, mv-ohmygoddess04 spot the difference (7): kyuhyun05, sc-aotpub03
spot the difference (1): ps-iwill03, sunny03, amber12 spot the difference (1): sehun15, mv-everybody08, thegrace06
cardmaster: amber20, kangta14, ps-comingstep02, mv-supergirl08, kry18 for boa07, boa15, mv-twinkle15, mv-ohmygoddes15, ps-nuabo14
1st day of christmas: event-12daysofchristmas01
2nd day of christmas: ps-holidaych103, ps-holidaych107, ps-holidaych108, ps-holidaych109, ps-holidaych111, ps-holidaych112, ps-holidaych116, ps-holidaych117, ps-holidaych118, event-12daysofchristmas02
everysing shop (five random photo set cards): ps-1stlookvol2009, ps-iwill13, ps-nuabo06, ps-growlpolaroids15, ps-1stlookvol2014, -400 balloons
everysing shop (five random photo set cards): ps-ohboyvol3001, ps-wolfpolaroids14, ps-sorrysorry10, ps-perfectionrepack02, ps-nuabo14, -400 balloons
deck mastery: mv-14314, sc-itstimeforcoffeebts13, ps-perfectionrepack05, sehun06, sc-hapticbattle15, krystal07
kai bawi bo: mv-everybody05
kai bawi bo: mv-14310
deck mastery: ps-growlpolaroids12, sc-artfilm07, ps-1stlookvol2002, ps-perfectionrepack15, ps-nuabo17, mv-balloons02
third day of christmas: event-12daysofchristmas03, ls-sparkly, ls-sparkly, ls-sparkly, special-ls-santa, special-ls-rudolph, ls-gg, ls-heart
stampcard: ps-nuabo03, sc-artfilm01, mv-supergirl07, tao19, ls-suju
fourth day of christas: mv-onemorechance18, sunny14, sc-hapticbattle03, kangin15, luhan15, ls-star, event-12daysofchristmas04, +200 balloons
cat like reflexes: kangin14, amber14, kangin12
card match: sunny04, hyoyeon19
choc-oh no!: minho14, kangin11, +100 balloons
kriscasso: ps-misshaaura04, jmin19, ps-1stlookvol2001, ps-sorrysorry10, +100 balloons
oops!!!: yoona15, ps-iwill13, lay19, +100 balloons\
fifth day of christmas: event-12daysofchristmas05, krystal10, amber06, amber15, mv-balloons18, mv-twinkle06, mv-twinkle10, mv-twinkle12, ps-ellegirljuly201201, ps-ellegirljuly201202, ps-ellegirljuly201205, sunny05, sunny18
deck mastery: taemin13, mv-everybody13, kry18, luhan09, mv-14312, mv-twinkle14
deck mastery: mv-twinkle02, kangin03, taemin14, sc-aotpub11, ps-perfectionrepack18, sunny06

update: event-12daysofchristmas06, ps-verymerryxmas05
sixth day of christmas:
m- mv-onemorechance01e- mv-twinkle20 *(mastering with this)r- ps-ellegirljuly201207r- thegrace03y- hyoyeon06x- ps-verymerryxmas01m- sc-artfilm02a- kangta07s- sunny07
seventh day of christmas: event-12daysofchristmas07
spot the difference (1): mv-twinkle14, sc-helloschoolgirl13, amber11, tao15
spot the difference (5): eunhyuk11, ps-perfectionrepack03, ps-sherlock20
spot the difference (4): ps-ellegirljuly201207, mv-supergirl05, ps-wolfpolaroids17, sulli20
spot the difference (3): hyoyeon09, ps-misshaaura01, kry15
spot the difference (6): ps-thefirst15, lay03, ps-comingstep06, mv-chu05, mv-ohmygoddess20
spot the difference (2): sc-artfilm16, mv-onemorechance16, ps-ellegirljuly201207
tiff tac toe: mv-firejv12, mv-supergirl12, mv-twinkle02 +200 balloons

s.me tcg, tcg

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