Adventures At Hippy School: Episode Two

Sep 01, 2007 14:51

First week of classes: done
First assignment: done

How do I feel? Dulled. The challenges that boredom presented in Bloomington are different here. If I was bored in Bloomington, I could go to Soma, or the library. I could hunt down people who stimulated cerebral activity.

Here, I have . . . my computer. What did I used to do before I had smart friends? Oh, yeah, drugs.

Hopefully, my greatest wish will come true, and I'll get transferred to the Library crew. Right now, I'm on Heavy Duty. As in "heavy duty disinfectant" or "heavy duty vacuum cleaner." I worked for the first time on Thursday ( I was scheduled for Wednesday, but a kidney stone decided I needed to be stoned all day instead), and it was miserable. If it was the last job in the world, I would kill myself. The cobwebs, oh the cobwebs. But I have a legitimate excuse to be transferred: dust and mold allergies. If I get to work at the library, I will work all day and all night.

When I'm not being bored, I go to class. My classes aren't terrible, but the students are. Self-obsessed fuckers who think Kafka is writing about their college experience, not madness and death. The professors are annoyingly tolerant of these assholes, but I still like most of them. My composition class seems the most promising as of now. I got finished writing a personal essay for the class about half an hour ago. The professor is cynical and sarcastic and a poet, so I forgive him when he entertains the ideas of the morons he must teach.

Gena has proved an excellent roommate. She's taking eighteen credit hours this semester, and working for money as well as on her assigned crew, so she makes up for it by sleeping all weekend (like now).

The group of students here, as a whole, are vastly unattractive. There is one single girl that I would consider calling my college girlfriend. I don't know her name, probably because I was busy staring when she introduced herself. The cutest dyke I have ever seen in my life, if half the boys in the world dressed like she does, I would like cock. Srsly.

I started a zombie stencil a week or so ago, but it's still unfinished. I could finish that today.

Or, I could do more reading for homework.

Is it homework if you're not at home?

Anyway, until next week.
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