Greene: Go in and sit with him.
Pratt: What did you say to him?
Greene: It wasn’t anything I learned from being a doctor.
Chen: No, no, no, no. We need to keep that in. Okay?
Al: I want to go.
Greene: It’s wet out there. It’s raining.
Al: It stopped. I don’t want to be here.
Greene: Me either.
Al: You know I don’t like this place. I don’t belong here. Whatever’s going to happen, I want it to happen outside. Please.
Greene: Ok.
Al: It’ll be over soon. Right?
Greene: Yeah. It will.
Greene: What’s the trouble?
Ms. Raskins: I have this hangnail and it is very painful.
Greene: I have a brain tumor. And it’s inoperable.
Ms. Raskins: What?
Greene: I win.
Dad: Excuse me. Excuse me? Can somebody please see my daughter?
Greene: A nurse will be right with you.
Greene: I’m Dr. Greene.
Dad: Hi, doctor.
Katie: No. It’ll hurt Daddy.
Greene: What’ll hurt?
Dad: Katie’s class mythology project. Why they let kids play with wooden spears, I’ll never know.
Greene: Can I look?
Katie: I don’t want a shot.
Greene: No. No, no, no, no, no shots. I promise. Let’s play a game. Close your eyes, okay?
Greene: What do you see?
Katie: The sky.
Greene: What’s up there?
Katie: Orion’s belt.
Greene: Orion’s?
Katie: He couldn’t beat the scorpion so he jumped into the sea.
Greene: Really?
Katie: Artemis put him in the sky where the scorpion never gets him.
Greene: I didn’t know that.
Greene: There. That didn’t hurt, did it?
Katie: Is it over?
Greene: It’s all done. Thank you, Katie.
Katie: What did I do?
Greene: You just became my very last patient.
Dad: Shift over?
Greene: Yeah.
Dad: Thank you.
Greene: Haleh, can you give that hangnail lady a cast shoe, sign her out and tell her to never come back?
Haleh: If you say so.
Pratt: I just wanted to say um, you know, I learned a lot today.
Greene: Good. Come back tomorrow.
Kerry: What about you?
Greene: Me?
Kerry: How many shifts should I put you down for next month?
Greene: Never let your work become your life, Kerry. Live a little.
Greene: No rest for the weary, Carter.
Carter: Been on since 4am. Leaving early?
Greene: Not early enough.
Greene: Fisher in the hall’s an alcoholic, took a fall, knocked himself out. Check a head CT and road test him before you let him go.
Carter: Withdrawl?
Greene: Just your usual mid-week party. Tuckerove has hives. Got prednisone, benadryl, feeling better. Watch her for a half an hour, send her on her way. Dispo’s written.
Carter: Anybody actually sick?
Greene; Just the doctor.
Pickman: 28 year old girl. LOC after a fall through a plate glass window.
Luka: Ok. Just keep pressure on that dressing.
Pickman: Arterial bleeder in the left wall and that’s the worst of it.
Abby: Good night, Dr. Greene.
Greene: Bye.
Greene: It stopped raining.
Carter: Yeah.
Greene: Clear sky. I’m out of here.
Carter: You in tomorrow?
Greene: Your ball needs air.
Carter: It’s not my ball
Greene: You set the tone, Carter.
Carter: What?
Greene: Work on your jump shot.