Oct 08, 2008 11:52
I feel like death warmed up. I've been feeling crummy all week: nauseated and hot and my asthma has been super bad. I felt rubbish again this morning and had to take my salbutamol before I left for work which is never a good sign. I made it through the ward round (just) and then moved onto the ward jobs and then I knew I'd had it. I messed up a really easy blood because I thought I was about to pass out and could hardly breathe. At which point sickness trumped guilt and I had to leave and go back to bed. Everyone was really nice about it: Mike (my superstar house officer colleague) has taken my bleep, my consultant seemed genuinely concerned and asked if I had to drive home, and my registrar basically ordered me out of the building. Luckily the ward is fairly empty so I didn't have to hand over many jobs. I still feel bad about it though but I definitely would've been doing the patients a disservice if I'd stayed. But I was on call tonight for elderly so I've totally shafted one of my colleagues.