18th June, Steampunk day at the Museum of Technology:
http://www.museumoftechnology.com/whats-on/june2016http://static1.squarespace.com/static/55e06b36e4b02100a41a0c92/t/57449c93356fb07e37836967/1464114325487/Steampunk.jpg And the next Repair Cafe is on 2nd July:
http://www.transitioncambridge.org/thewiki/ttwiki/pmwiki.php?n=TTSkillshare.NextRepairCafe This is a thing where you can bring along stuff you have that needs repairing and also eat cake. Alternatively, come along and fix things and eat free cake. In either case, let them know beforehand that you intend to be there (essential for repairers, recommended for people with stuff that needs repairing).
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