
Pandemic Legacy campaign starting point

Jan 24, 2016 23:22

I got Ian Pandemic Legacy for Christmas, and this week we played the first session. (This will not be a spoilery post though future posts may well be.) This is what we knew at the start of the campaign...

It's set up for a campaign of 12-24 games; you get 2 tries at each month in the year. If you win the first one you move on to the next month. You move on to the next month after the second game whether or not you won it. There's a self-balancing mechanism whereby you get "funding" which allows you to choose which and how many event cards go into your deck. If you lose a game, funding for the next game goes up (meaning more events and a larger deck=more time) and if you win it goes down. At the end of each game you get to choose two positive changes, which include role improvements, card improvements, and beneficial disease modifications.

Cities can be panicked by outbreaking, and increasing panic makes it increasingly difficult to move into or out of the city. There's a restricted choice of roles, and roles can be improved by adding positive attributes or scarred by being caught in an outbreaking city. (The role characters are much more detailed and role-playish; I share a birthday with the Generalist :-) City cards can also be transformed into event cards.

And then there are evolving rules. A special event deck tells you when to add triggers or to change things about the rules, roles, cities, cards, pieces... We have 5 dossiers with between them about 100 windows which might reveal cards or stickers, and eight more substantial boxes which I suspect contain game pieces. The rule book has a *lot* of blank spaces where new rules might appear.

Slightly scarily we have played January and only opened one of the dossier windows and none of the boxes - I dread to think how quickly the game might change later.

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pandemic, games

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