I have finished my masters' group project, which greatly resembled a 6-week long uphill trek whilst dragging the rest of the group most of the way. Anyway, it is now done, and my enthusiasm for the subject surprisingly remains.
I've just finished reading _Das Boot_, which is traumatic but excellent.
Yesterday we marzipanned the New Year cake (like Christmas cake but we want to be able to show it off to more people). For reasons which will become obvious later, it's marzipanned in stripes. I was expecting this to be a bit of a technical challenge but the stripes sit on top of each other very conveniently and it was no harder than normal marzipanning, if a little more cutting-out/colouring faff. (The cake's hexagonal and I think this also made it easier to marzipan - no need to handle long strips of the stuff to go round the edge, I did it in six short strips instead.)
I have almost finished my Yuletide story (just got some editing to do following beta comments) and am mid-beta for someone else (and I have at least one more short thing I'd like to write).
Speaking of Yuletide, I am currently being delighted by the rather glorious _A Complete History of the Soviet Union As Told By A Humble Worker, Arranged To The Melody Of Tetris_:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8 (not least for the line "Can I have a long one please?" which is so plausibly the genesis of the whole idea), and by _An Incomplete History Of History, As Written For Yuletide, In Five Acts And An Epilogue_:
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